“SUCH MEETINGS HELD AT THE UNIVERSITY PROMOTE EXPANSION OF PUPILS’ THINKING” :YSU ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR The teaching staff of YSU Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics hosted the pupils of Yerevan high schools N94,170,65,195,139, 182.
CEREMONY OF OPENING GRIGOR GURZADYAN’S BUST TO BE HELD AT YSU Within the scope of the events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of YSU foundation the ceremony of opening the bust of the eminent scientist, astrophysicist, the RA NAS Academician Grigor Gurzadyan was held today in the foyer of the main building of YSU.
PROFESSOR OF SAN JOSE UNIVERSITY (USA) TO DELIVER A LECTURE AT YSU This week Professor Glen Mules invited form San Jose State University (USA) is going to deliver a series of lectures on “Big Data Technologies” in “ISTC” (Innovation Solutions and Technology Centre) for the students of Master programs “Applied statistics and data studies” and “Data studies in business”, and on March 22, at 18:00 an open lectures will be delivered for everyone.
KNOWLEDGE GAINED ON “ACTIVE LEARNING” METHOD TO BE TRANSFERRED TO LECTURERS OF FACULTY OF BIOLOGY Within the frames of “Erasmus+ PRINTeL” program the lecturer of the Faculty of Biology of YSU Karen Trchounyan together with the lecturers of other faculties participated in the refresher course for lecturers entitled “Active Learning” held in Leuven Catholic University (Belgium).
“IT IS IMPORTANT TO SELECT THE RIGHT FIELD OF SELFREALIZATION”: AWARDEE OF “BEST STUDENT” OF REPUBLICAN CONTEST DAVID AKELYAN The 4th year student of the Faculty of Philosophy and Psychology David Akelyan achieved the first prize in the field of humanitarian sciences in “Best student of the Republic-2018”. He was awarded with the certificate and individual scholarship by the RA Minister of ES.
INFORMATION WARFARE TRICKS AND MYTHS: STUDENTS’ GUEST IS KAREN VRTANESYAN The meeting entitled “Lessons of war: information warfare” with the media expert, specialist for propaganda issues of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict”, coordinator of “Razm.info” website Karen Vrtanesyan was held today in the Session Hall of YSU Academic Council.
IT’S IMPOSSIBLE NOT TO FALL IN LOVE WITH HAMSHEN: PRESENTATION OF “HAMSHEN IN ARMENIAN MANUSCRIPTS” MONOGRAPHY AT YSU The presentation of the monography “Hamshen in Armenian manuscripts” monography written by the Associate Professor of the Chair of Turkish Studies, Candidate of Philology, Head of the Section of Armenian-Ottoman Relations, the Institute of Armenological Studies, YSU Lusine Sahakyan.
ROUND-TABLE DISCUSSION RELATED TO STRENGTHENING COMMUNITY SOCIAL SERVICES WITH THE EXPERTS OF THE SPHERE The round-table discussion entitled “ Challenges of the organization of the education of social workers on the example of community social work staff training” was held in Adamyan hall of YSU library building.
NEW POSSIBILITIES FOR COOPERATION WITH UNIVERSITIES OF LITHUANIA The meeting with the chargé d'affaires of the Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania to Armenia Mrs. Isolda Brichkovski and the second secretary of the Embassy Yomantas Pabirzhis was held in YSU Rector’s office.
“MODERN TENDENCES OF GENOCIDE STUDIES DEVELOPMENT” YOUTH CONFERENCE TO BE HELD AT YSU The “Modern Tendencies of Genocide Studies” youth conference is to be held due to the efforts of Yerevan State University Institute of Armenian Studies, on April 18-19 of 2019. Senior students, masters and postgraduates of the higher education establishments of the RA, NKR and foreign universities can take part in it.