DEAN OF FACULTY OF INFORMATICS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS MEETS WITH STUDENTS The SC of the Faculty of Informatics and Applied Mathematics of YSU organized a meeting of the Dean of Faculty Vahram Dumanyan with the students.
PRESENTATION OF THE BOOK BY THE LECTURER OF FACULTY OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS ARMEN MANVELYAN IN ENGLEWOOD, USA The presentation of the research work entitled “Energetic geopolitics and safety in the modern system of international relations” by the Assistant of the Chair of History and Theory of Political Science of YSU Faculty of International Relations, PhD in History Armen Manvelyan was held in Englewood city of USA.
YSU DEVOTEES: VAHAN RSHTUNI Professor Vahan Rshtuni’s student, the chief editor of YSU journal “Banber of Yerevan University”, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Hrachik Mirzoyan tells about his teacher.
YSU AND FSI TO EXPAND COOPERATION The head of the RA Food Safety Inspectorate Georgi Avetisyan was hosted today in the Microbial Biotechnology and Biofuel Innovation Centre of the Faculty of Biology of YSU.
PUPILS OF YEREVAN HIGH SCHOOL N 94 TO BE HOSTED AT YSU FACULTY OF BIOLOGY The pupils of the high school N 194 of Yerevan were hosted at the Faculty of Biology of YSU.
OPPORTUNITY TO IMPROVE ENGLISH FOR LAWYERS: A NEW PROGRAM TO BE WORKED OUT AT FACULTY OF LAW “Law English” course was worked out jointly with the network of international legal protection “Human Rights of House Yerevan” to provide Legal English studies for students of YSU Faculty of Law.
PROFESSIONAL ORIENTATION: A VISIT TO “EUREKA” COLLEGE Today the representatives of the teaching staff of YSU faculties of Biology, Mathematics and Mechanics, Chemistry, Physics were hosted at “Eureka” college of Vanadzor.
“YEGHEGIS RIVER IS IN DISASTROUS SITUATION”: CEO OF RA RENEWABLE ENERGY PRODUCERS’ ASSOCIATION ROMAN MELIKYAN The Faculty of Geography and Geology organized a round-table discussion which was dedicated to the fundamental ecological problems of Armenia in the context of hydro-energetics.
REVIVAL OF ARCHIVES OF 19TH CENTURY PATRIARCHY AS A BASIS TO UNDERSTAND DIFFERENT ASPECTS OF ARMENIAN HISTORY AND JUSTICE On the initiative of the Centre for Gender and Leadership Studies of YSU, the research “The archives of the 19th century patriarchy and Turk-Armenian women” was presented in Hovhannes Adamyan hall of YSU.
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