COVID-19 PANDEMIC AS A NEW GLOBAL HEALTH CHALLENGE; NEW AND FAST DIAGNOSTIC METHODS OF DISEASE PREVENTION WILL BE DEVELOPED AT YSU The scientific topic of Anna Karapetyan, Head of the Department of Human and Animal Physiology, YSU Faculty of Biology, was funded by the RA Committee on Education, Science, Culture and Sport.
A NEW TOOLKIT FOR DIGITAL ARABIC MEDIA CONTENT ANALYSIS WILL BE DEVELOPED AT YSU The scientific topic "The Response of Digital Arabic Media to the Second Artsakh War and Post-War Developments" was funded by the Scientific Committee of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of the Republic of Armenia.
«ԵՊՀ-Ն ՄԵՆՔ ԵՆՔ». ԵՊՀ ՈՒՍԱՆՈՂ ԱՐՄԱՆ ԳՐԻԳՈՐՅԱՆ Միջազգային հարաբերությունների ֆակուլտետի չորրորդ կուրսի ուսանող Արման Գրիգորյանը ԵՊՀ ՈՒԳԸ փոխնախագահն է: Հայոց պետականությանը ծառայելու անսահման ձգտումն է նպաստել նրա մասնագիտության ընտրությանը և դարձել առաջիկա անելիքների հիմնաքարը: Արմանը վստահ է՝ կրթություն ստանալու հնարավորությունն ամենամեծ նվերն է, որ կարող է տրվել երիտասարդին: Ա. Գրիգորյանի հետ զրուցել ենք մասնագիտության ընտրության, ուսանողական կյանքի, ծրագրերի ու նպատակների, ինչպես նաև սիրելի բուհի՝ ԵՊՀ-ի դերի ու նշանակության մասին:
"YSU MADE MY DREAM COME TRUE." ASTGHIK SHMAVONYAN Astghik Shmavonyan, a 4th year student of the English-French Communication Department at YSU Faculty of European Languages and Communication, is currently studying at the Faculty of Applied Foreign Languages of the University of Lille, France.
A SERIES OF SCIENTIFIC LECTURES ENTITLED "RA SECURITY ISSUES" HAS STARTED AT YSU YSU Faculty of Economics and Management Scientific-Analytical Center of Constitutional Economics starts a series of scientific lectures entitled "RA Security Issues".
YSU RECTOR HOVHANNES HOVHANNISYAN AND PRESIDENT OF TIANJIN NORMAL UNIVERSITY ZHONG YINGHUA SIGNED AN COOPERATION AGREEMENT According to the agreement approved today, the two universities will carry out exchange programs for professors, researchers and students, will exchange scientific, professional literature, periodicals and other materials, will organize joint research programs, conferences and other events.
METALLURGY AND PROSPECTS FOR ITS APPLICATION IN THE FIELD OF MODERN COMMUNICATION AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS It should be noted that the scientific topic was funded by the Science Committee of the Republic of Armenia as a result of a competition for applications for scientific topics within the framework of contractual funding of scientific and technical activities.
SUMMARY OF STUDENT SPORTS GAMES An important part of student life are the various sporting events and competitions that make student life interesting and different.
"I DO NOT KNOW WHAT THE FUTURE WILL BE LIKE, BUT ONE THING I CAN SAY FOR SURE: I WILL RETURN TO YSU." GEGHAM BIJOYAN Gegham Bijoyan, a graduate of YSU Faculty of Oriental Studies, is currently studying at the Faculty of International Relations of Jordan University of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.
"HERE YOU CAN TALK TO YOUR PROFESSORS ABOUT ANY TOPIC." CZECH STUDENT JAN BOŘIL Jan Bořil is a postgraduate student at Masaryk University in the Czech Republic. He is studying at YSU Faculty of Geography and Geology within the framework of the Erasmus + Credit Mobility Program.