STUDENTS OF FACULTY OF CHEMISTRY SHOW THE MONO AND MULTICRYSTAL COLLECTION CULTIVATED BY THEM By the initiative of the Student Scientific Society of YSU Faculty of Chemistry the third-year students Vladimir Vardapetyan and Astghik Grigoryan presented the crystals cultivated by them and told about the methods of their cultivation.
SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM: A NEW WAY OF INCREASING EFFECTIVENESS OF ANTI-CANCER MEDICATION IS OFFERED The scientific theme “Regulation of ferments activity of chromatin-dependent way to increase the effectiveness of anti-cancer medication” presented by the Faculty of Biology has deserved the contractual financing of the MES Science Committee.
YSU STUDENTS ARE PRESENTED THE INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS OF SAARLAND UNIVERSITY Today the program coordinator of international cooperation of Saarland University (Germany) Ekaterina Kluh visited YSU At YSU Faculty of Biology Ekaterina Kluh presented the students and teaching staff the international programs of Saarland University, as well as the forms, goals and effectiveness of exchange programs of “Erasmus +”.
“I HAVE CHOSEN YSU”’: STUDENT SUREN ABAZYAN Student Suren Abazyan is from the frontier village Barekamavan.
YSU STUDETS TO PARTICIPATE IN MASTER’S PROGRAMS WORKED OUT WITH NORVEGIAN OSLOMET UNIVERSITY On September 1-8, the teaching staff of the Chair of English for Cross-cultural Communications of the YSU Faculty of Romance-Germanic Philology took part in the working seminar organized within the program “Intercultural Encounters in Academia and at Workplace” grant program within the frames of “Eurasia” program.
“THE INCREASING COMPLEXITY OF DISTRIBUTED ENVIRONMENTS CREATES NEW CHALLENGES”: SAMVEL SHOUKOURIAN The scientific theme "Processing, Learning and Predicting Methods for Knowledge Acquisition in Distributed Models of Computation" authored by the head of YSU IT education and research center, PhD of Physics and Mathematics,Professor Samvel Shoukourian got the contractual financing of the RA MES Science Committee.
YSU DEVELOPS RELATIONSHIP WITH EURASIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY Today the members of the delegation of Eurasian National University after L.Gumilyov has a meeting with YSU administration.
MEETING WITH JOURNALISTS HAS BEEN HELD AT YSU The meeting with future students of journalism has been held today at the TV studio of YSU Faculty of Journalism. The Dean of YSU Faculty of Journalism Naghash Martirosyan and Deputy Dean Anahit Menemshyan were present at the meeting.
YSU STUDENT HOVHANNES ADONTS OFFERED A NEW TECHNOLOGY AND WON IN INNOVATION CONTEST The postgraduate student of YSU Faculty of Chemistry Hovhannes Adonts won the second prize in the annual innovation contest held by “ARPA” institute. The annual innovation contest is held for young scientists under 35 (including students).
“ARMENIA WITH ITS AMAZING LANDSCAPE IS COMPETITIVE THROUGHOUT THE WORLD” HAYK AVETISYAN The scientific theme “Memory landscape” as the subject of archaeological research (according to the materials of the northeastern districts of the Armenian Highlands, III-I millennium BC) presented by the head of the Chair of Archaeology and Ethnography of YSU faculty of History, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Hayk Avetisyan deserved the contractual (thematic) financing of the RA MES Science Council).