HOW YSU STUDENTS SPEND SUMMER HOLIDAYS This year, the examination period at YSU ends in late June. The summer holidays of students begin in the beginning of July. We tried to find out how YSU students will organize their summer holidays.
DO NOT BE AFRAID OF GOING TO THE INTERVIEW TO THE EMPLOYER’S OFFICE This article is about the required skills and behavior and how to prepare for the job interview.
STATISTICIANS ARE IN A GREAT DEMAND TODAY: HEAD OF MASTER PROGRAM EXPLAINS has interviewed Ruben Gevorgyan, Doctor of Economics, Professor of the “Data Science in Business” Master Program in Mathematical Modeling at YSU Faculty of Economics and Management.
YSU GRADUATES SPEAK ABOUT ACHIEVEMENTS OF STUDENT YEARS As in previous years, this year also the majority of YSU graduates leave the university having gained new professional qualities.
NEVADA UNIVERSITY AND YSU STUDENTS DISCUSSED "VELVET" REVOLUTION AND NEW ARMENIA FROM SOCIOLOGICAL VIEWPOINT A roundtable discussion took place today at YSU Center for Conflict Studies. The lecture was attended by Professor of Nevada University, author of many books Pertch Berberyan (Berberoghli) and students of the Faculty of Sociology of Nevada State University.
Ի ՊԱՏԱՍԽԱՆ LURER.COM ԿԱՅՔԻ 08.06.18 Թ. ՀՐԱՊԱՐԱԿՄԱՆ. ԵՊՀ «ՀՅՈՒՐԵՐԻ ՏՈՒՆ» ՄԱՍՆԱՇԵՆՔԻ ՕՏԱՐՄԱՆ ԳՈՐԾԸՆԹԱՑԻ ՎԵՐԱԲԵՐՅԱԼ ՊԱՐԶԱԲԱՆՈՒՄ կայքը հրապարակել է հարցազրույց փաստաբան Ալեքսանդր Սիրունյանի հետ, որը ԵՊՀ-ին մեղադրում է «Հյուրերի տուն» մասնաշենքը իբր շուկայական գնից անհամեմատ էժան վաճառելու մեջ: Շատ ցավալի է, որ լրատվամիջոցը երկրորդ կողմին չի դիմել պարզաբանման համար, քանի որ հրապարակվածը բացահայտ զրպարտություն է. «Հյուրերի տուն» մասնաշենքի վաճառքի գինը ԵՊՀ-ն չի որոշել:
OPPORTUNITY FOR YSU STUDENTS TO STUDY AT LEADING FRENCH UNIVERSITY Members of the Delegation of the Franche-Comté Federal University of Burgundy presented a number of master’s programs today in the Robert Shuman Hall of YSU Center for European Studies.
“THE TRAGEDIES MAKES US STRONGER”: PULITZER PRIZE LAUREATE A meeting with the well-known journalist, three-time Pulitzer Prize laureate Steven Kyurkchyan, the founding member of The Boston Globe magazine took place today at the Charents Hall of Yerevan State University.
“ARMENIAN SKETCHES”: THEATRICAL PREMIER AT YSU The premiere of the “Armenian Sketches” performance dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the First Republic of Armenia and May heroic battles took place at YSU Cultural Center today.