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May 20, 2020 | 10:29
The new bachelor's educational program "Nanophysics and Advanced Technologies" will operate in the Chair of Physics of the Solid Body of YSU Faculty of Physics from September 2020.

We talked about the prospects of the new program with the head of the chair, head of the new program , professor Arshak Vardanyan.
He said, that they have been preparing for the creation of this bachelor's degree program for a long time. The main impetus for the implementation of the program is the fact that today in the world intellectual and financial resources are included in the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology, as the applied achievements are abundant in all spheres of human life and promise new perspectives.
He also said, that four of the 28 employees of the department's laboratory in this field are included in the list of 100 most effective researchers in Armenia.
Every two weeks, the Chair publishes a scientific paper in prestigious international journals with a high impact factor. There are few such research organizations in Armenia.
Ha also added , that the main feature of the program is that it will be implemented by current scientists.
"The program has 5 free and 15 paid places, but I am sure that the number of "Nanophysics and Leading Technologies" programs will increase in the future": he said.