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June 26, 2018 | 17:05
The 4th day of the school on “The boundaries of optics and photonics” is taking place in Conference Hall of YSU 3rd Building.

During the talk with us the organizers of the conference Astghik Kuzanyan and Narine Gevorgyan focused on the school’s goals and successes in the course.
One of the most important goals of the school is to introduce the achievements and developments among students.
“The initiative is of a regular nature. It is the fifth school that is being organized since 2012. The school is not concentrated in a university or an organization, it is held in different locations, and we cooperate with different educational institutions and organizations,” - said Astghik Kuzdanyan.
This time students have already been able to get acquainted with leading scientists in the field, listen to their lectures and establish contacts with a number of leading universities.
“Our main goal is to engage Armenian students in global developments in science and technology, inform about news in the field of optics and photonics. We involve professors of well-known universities in the program as much as possible," says Narine Gevorgyan.
The first guest of the 2012 school year was the well-known English scientist Michael Berry.
The organizers also spoke about the issues they had to overcome from the very first day of the school’s foundation.
“One of the main problems of this year was funding,” - said Narine Gevorgyan.
Referring to the mission and goals of the school, the organizers mentioned that if they were able to get information at least one student by linking them with foreign universities during this period, it is already of great importance for them.
“During this period, it was also a very important achievement for us to create a platform for cooperation between Armenian and foreign young scientists. Now we already have some examples of such cooperation, and we are very glad,” - said Astghik Kuzmanyan.
Narine Gevorgyan added that the school is unique in its content in Armenia.