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February 21, 2019 | 20:43
The regular meeting of YSU Academic Council was held today. It had 7 issues on the agenda and a number of current issues to be discussed.

Before turning to the issues of the agenda YSU Rector referred to the announcement made by the RA Police yesterday in relation to the speech of the RA Minister of ES performed via “Facebook”.
Then the issue of making an announcement by the Academic Council of YSU was discussed. Aram Simonyan reminded that a commission was formed during the previous meeting which drew up the announcement of the Council and now was to submit it to the members’ confirmation.
YSU Scientific Secretary Menua Arzumanyan read out the text and the discussion of the contents was held afterwards. The Dean of the Faculty of Informatics and Applied mathematics Vahram Dumanyan and the Director of YSU Library Yeznik Mirzoyan noted that the announcement is out of time.
Some members of the Council suggested making some changes in the text and then spread it. As a result of the discussion the Council determined to reconsider the text of the announcement and then submit it to the Council’s approval.
Taking to the issues of the agenda the Scientific Secretary of YSU Menua Soghomonyan presented the schedule of the 2nd term of the academic year of 2018-2019 which was unanimously confirmed.
The chairmen of the Competition Commission of the Academic Council Naghash Martirosyan and Khachatur Nerkararyan submitted the decision made by the Academic Council of the Faculty of History on electing Edik Minasyan dean of the Faculty and awarding the scientific degrees of Professor and Associate Professor.
An accounting commission was formed to confirm the presented issues. The commission was headed by the Dean of the Faculty of Physics Rafik Hakobyan and a close secret voting was announced.
Within the frames of the second issue of the agenda the Vice-rector for Academic Affairs Alexander Grigoryan presented the program of activity of YSU Department of Postgraduate Additional Education provided for 2019-2021.The program was confirmed unanimously.
YSU Vice-rector also informed about the ranking data of higher educational institutions of Armenia for 2018 referring to “Webometrics” rating. “According to the data published in January of this year, YSU is in the 2600th place among 28 thousand universities of the world, and in Armenia it is the leader.
YSU Rector stressed that these results are gained in scarce financial conditions. “Only thanks to the potential of the teaching staff and students have we been able to lead high results”.
Within the frames of the next issue of the agenda the Head of YSU Educational and Methodological Department Hrant Zhamharyan presented the list of the students getting individual scholarships in the second term of the academic year of 2018-2019, which was unanimously confirmed. By the way, The Union of Armenians of Russia allotted scholarships for a number of universities of Armenia (it is to be paid for 10 months, AMD 50 thousand monthly). “We have received the proposal, discussed it and decided to give additional scholarships to the Faculty of Informatics and Applied Mathematics and the Faculty of Sociology”.
The Dean of the Faculty of YSU European Languages and Communication Samvel Abrahamyan reported on making changes in the Regulations of the faculty. The issue was accepted unanimously.
Among the current issues were confirmed the draft decision on guarantee of the work “Structure and properties of molecules” by the Professor of the Chair of Molecular Physics V. Barkhudaryan and its confirmation as university manual to be presented to the RA MES, the draft of the new edition of the Regulations of the Centre of European Studies and the draft of the organization of allotting YSU property for leasing.
The chairman of the formed accounting commission Rafik Hakobyan presented the results of the close voting according to which, the decisions of the Faculty of History on electing Edik Minasyan Dean of the Faculty and awarding titles of Professor and Associate Professor were confirmed.
At the end of the meeting the Council referred to the announcement. The new text was submitted to the Council and confirmed with 3 against and 2 abstained votes.