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March 29, 2019 | 19:48
The regular meeting of the commission coordinating the reforms at YSU was held today in the Session Hall of the Academic Council of YSU. The agenda of the meeting had 3 issues.

The issues involved proposals for drafts of documentation. They referred to the rates of the performance of strategic program of development of a faculty (other scientific and educational division-centre, institute), definition of additional standards for the position of the dean of faculty (other head of scientific and educational division) and to the contradictions between the procedure of allotting student allowances in YSU, state and intra-university scholarships and the laws regulating the problem and sub-legislative acts.
The chairman of the commission Vahe Hovhannisyan stated that the annual reports of the heads of the faculties or other scientific-educational subdivisions are often made up by the random principles, sometimes on the basis of the faculty development strategic program but in this case the reports lack clear rates which will make it possible to give exact estimates of the performance. Thus, the proposed documents include the quantity and quality rates for performance of the activities involved in strategic program of development.
“The most important in this document is that the persons elected for an administrative position, who has a program but doesn’t implement it will have no opportunity to apply for this position”, stated the chairman of the commission.
The draft document determining additional standards for a faculty dean proposes that the candidate for the position shall be implementing scientific and pedagogical activity during the last 5 years of his/her career and know at least 2 foreign languages (with English level not less than B1). Besides, he/she must know “MS Word”, “Excell”, “Powerpoint” or “Open Office” programs, besides the knowledge of the legislative and legal base of higher education is required.
During the discussion the head of the Chair of Organic Chemistry Narine Durgaryan objected to the presented standards noting that the effectiveness of dean’s activity should not be connected with knowledge of foreign languages and the legislative base of higher education, however the members of the commission expressed opinion that the minimal knowledge is essential. Besides, it was stressed that internationalization is one of the priorities of faculties so in this context the leader who can’t communicate in foreign languages can hardly carry out the functions related to this process.
The head of the Chair of Management and Business Karlen Khachatryan suggested regulating the requirements for dean’s position.
The acting head of the Chair of Service Gor Alexanyan pointed out that currently the reports mostly involve quantity rates while it would be better to have mechanisms which will estimate the content of the functions.
The Associate Professor of the Chair of History and Theory of Religion Pargev Barseghyan expressed anxiety that the functions determined by the strategy of the faculty development can lack performance due to objective conditions and offered to make that regulation more predictable.
The head of the Chair of Pharmtechnology and Pharmacy Economics and Management Anahit Hovhannisyan noted that it is necessary to add to internationalization functions included in the strategic program, the provisions related to tight cooperation with local organizations as well.
The Associate Professor of the Chair of Social Philosophy, Ethics and Aesthetics Arman Gharagulyan suggested that the members of the commission should be sent the documents at least 3 days in advance. The proposal was accepted.
At the end of the discussion Vahe Hovhannisyan stated that even after surface discussion it becomes clear that at least two deans don’t correspond to the standards and rates and it was urged to consider the situation more seriously so as the decisions will be justified and argumentative.