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April 11, 2019 | 19:15
The meeting of YSU Academic Council has been held today with 7 items on the agenda and a number of current issues.

Before turning to the items on the agenda, YSU Rector Aram Simonyan introduced to the members of the Council the newly-appointed Vice-Rectors Arsen Babajanyan and Menua Soghomonyan, as well as the Academic Secretary, the assistant at the Faculty of International Relations Levon Hovsepyan.
Within the scope of the first item on the agenda the chairman of the competition commission for humanitarian professions of YSU Academic Council Naghash Martirosyan reported on the decisions of the Academic Councils of Faculties related to Deans’ elections and in accordance with the procedure, offered to confirm them by close, secret voting.
Then Naghash Martirosyan and the chairman of the competition commission for nature sciences of YSU Academic Council Khachatur Nerkararyan submitted the applications for awarding titles of Associate Professors, claiming that they correspond to required standards.
An accounting commission was formed which involved Roman Alaverdyan, Samvel Muradyan and Zhenya Totolyan.
It should be noted that recently the elections of Deans were held at the Faculty of Law, the Faculty of Philosophy and Psychology and the Faculty of European Languages and Communication.
Within the frames of the next items of the agenda, the Vice-Rector on YSU Scientific Policy and International Cooperation Arsen Babajanyan submitted the rates of tuition fees of YSU for the academic year of 2019-2020. Tuition fees for a number of Bachelor programs will be changed. No changes will be made in tuition fees for Master studies and Post-graduate educational programs.
YSU Academic Secretary Menua Soghomonyan presenting the Regulations for admission to full-time and part-time Master course in the academic year of 2018-2019 noted that an offer was received form the Department of Human Resources Management and Legal Support to confirm them not as a regulations but to make changes every year.
Touching to the next issue of the agenda the head of YSU Department of Public Relations and Information Gevorg Emin-Teryan informed the members of the Academic Council that certain activities had been carried out for about a year to make changes and regulations in YSU brand.
Edik Poghosyan presented the video about YSU Brand-book showing in details what changes were made and what new ideas were put to life.
During the discussion of the last item of the agenda the head of YSU Educational-Methodological Department Hrant Zhamharyan reported on the process of practice organization for YSU students stressing that in accordance with the procedure of practice organization and holding educational, professional and pedagogical practice types are determined.
He presented the main challenges in practice organization and holding which they revealed via surveys among students. He suggested mechanisms of the problems solution.
Current issues of the meeting involved the conception of development of the infrastructures located outside YSU campus, according to which it is offered to unite all bases of YSU and create “Unified subdivision of infrastructures management”. The unified subdivision will be operated within the frames of YSU foundation and form the system of unified management of complexes. Its aim is to optimize administrative and economic functions and to reduce costs, expand and diversify services and directions, to improve the quality to increase the effectiveness of the system activity. The members of the Academic Council confirmed the conception.
Menua Soghomonyan also informed on making changes in the organization of the educational process in Bachelor and Master programs.
The Council also unanimously confirmed the proposal to allot AMD 50 thousand of one-time scholarship to the winners of annual awards “YSU Best Student” on the event of 100th anniversary of YSU foundation.
At the end of the meeting the accounting commission publicized the results of the close, secret voting according to which the decisions of the Academic Council of the faculties and the decision on awarding the titles of Associate Professors were confirmed.