Education Management
Master's programme
In 2006, Yerevan State University opened the Master's degree part-time program "Education Management", which trains educational organizers not only for the field of general and higher education in Armenia, but also for daily Armenian schools of the Diaspora.
The purpose of the educational program is to thoroughly present the structure of the general and higher education systems of the Republic of Armenia, the purpose, objectives, strategy and ways of implementing educational policy, the legal acts of the activity of educational systems, factors stimulating the education, and the main management issues.
Within the framework of the program, students gain knowledge about management theories, study the core, principles, functions, methods and styles of educational management. Within the framework of the management courses, they acquire managerial skills and abilities that are strengthened during professional practice.
The list of courses taught in the educational program "Education Management" was compiled on the basis of the best international educational experience. Taking into account the fact that general education and higher education schools of the Republic of Armenia today need knowledgeable leaders armed with knowledge that meets current requirements, their professional training is relevant.
The duration of the master's educational program "Education management" is 2.5 years, after which the graduate receives a master's degree in education, the qualification of an education organizer