054101.01.6 - Geology
054101.01.6 - Geology
Qualification awarded:
Bachelor of Geology
Programme academic year:
Mode of study:
Full time
Language of study:
1. Admission criteria/requirements
Admission to the program to the full-time mode of study is carried out following the "Order of admission to RA state and non-state higher educational institutions (according to the Bachelor's educational program)". Admission to the full-time mode of study is carried out following the "Regulations of Admission to State Higher Education Institutions of the Republic of Armenia" (reconfirmed every year by the order of the RA Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports, the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Armenia N 476-Ն of April 7, 2022).
Entrance exams: mathematics, physics, or geography.
Admission to the program to the full-time mode of study is carried out following the "Order of admission to RA state and non-state higher educational institutions (according to the Bachelor's educational program)". Admission to the full-time mode of study is carried out following the "Regulations of Admission to State Higher Education Institutions of the Republic of Armenia" (reconfirmed every year by the order of the RA Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports, the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Armenia N 476-Ն of April 7, 2022).
Entrance exams: mathematics, physics, or geography.
2. Programme Objectives
To prepare capable professionals with comprehensive and systematic knowledge for professional work and continuing education in various fields of industry and science: regional geology, geochemistry, geophysics, seismology, hydrogeology and engineering geology, prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits, mineral resource evaluation, mining, environmental protection, and other fields.
To prepare capable professionals with comprehensive and systematic knowledge for professional work and continuing education in various fields of industry and science: regional geology, geochemistry, geophysics, seismology, hydrogeology and engineering geology, prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits, mineral resource evaluation, mining, environmental protection, and other fields.
3. Educational outcomes of the programme
Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:
- To interpret the modern concepts of the origin and structure of the Earth, the modern models of the formation and development of the structural units of the Earth: lithosphere plates, platforms, folded regions, as well as oceans and seas.
- To present and describe the rocks and minerals that make up the earth's crust, the distribution patterns of chemical elements, the physical model of the Earth, and the endogenous and exogenous processes taking place in it: earthquakes, magma, transformation of mountain rocks, and sedimentation.
- To characterize and interpret the theoretical foundations of metallօgeny, geological-structural features of mineral deposits and ore fields and regions, mineral formations, mineral paragenetic associations, and spatiotemporal distribution models of mineralization.
- To describe the geochemical and geophysical processes occurring in the Earth's crust under the influence of endogenous and exogenous factors. Present modern theories and understandings of exogenous and endogenous processes.
- To present the geological structure, structural-formational, metallogenic, and ore-magmatic circulation models, and the history and stages of geodynamic development of RA and adjacent regions.
- To describe and present the problems of forecasting and prevention of natural disasters, environmental protection, geological, geophysical, hydro-geological, engineering-geological, and other research problems, and their solution methodology.
- To describe and present the metallogenic zoning of RA, the distribution of metallic and non-metallic minerals, the structure of mineralization regions and deposits, the genealogical model, and the problems related to the extraction and processing of minerals.
- To practically implement and participate in targeted field studies, perform sampling, documentation, instrumental measurements, processing of materials, economic evaluation of deposits, and calculation of reserves.
- To use the theoretical and practical knowledge of related sciences, information systems, technologies, and methods to solve direct or inverse problems in the professional field, to increase the efficiency of work and to draw valid conclusions.
- To prepare geological, tectonic, metallurgical, soil, hydrogeological maps, stratigraphic sections, maps, and sampling plans of exploration and exploitation horizons of deposits, and schemes of geophysical and geochemical anomalies.
- To analyze the necessary information and possible ways to solve problems, evaluate the resources needed for their solution, make decisions, and make appropriate recommendations to increase the efficiency of work.
- To analyze geophysical, geochemical, and engineering geology field and laboratory research data, and provide professional conclusions.
- To be familiar with the modern methods of related professions and the principles of their work, if necessary, to involve specialists of related professions to solve geological problems, methods necessary for solving the problem and to perform teamwork.
- To analyze the impact of geological works on human health and sensitive environmental absorbers, and develop measures aimed at reducing the impact on the environment.
- To build oral and written speech in native and foreign languages with logically correct, well-argued, and clear formulations, to pursue the implementation of democratic principles and the spread of national and universal values.
- To apply the basic tenets of social, humanitarian, and economic sciences in practice.
- Apply acquired knowledge to draw qualitative conclusions from quantitative data, develop new ideas, identify educational requirements and career opportunities to determine further study paths.
- Work in a team, organize teamwork, use human and material resources, observe occupational safety rules and professional ethics.
- Perform professional work independently, draw valid conclusions and bear responsibility for decision-making.
- Continue learning at the next level of higher education by presenting the acquired knowledge, abilities and skills.
4. Assessment methods
The assessment is carried out according to the "Regulation of Organization of the Educational Process" in YSU.
Based on the workload of the courses provided by the oral educational curriculum, the form of the lessons, the teaching method, and taking into account the importance of the course in the formation of the student's professional knowledge and abilities, the courses are divided into four groups according to the evaluation form:
· Courses with final assessment,
· Courses without final assessment,
· Evaluation courses without mid-term exams,
· check-up courses.
The effective grade/unit of the course (educational module) is calculated as the sum of the points earned in individual assessment components: mid-term exam, mid-term check-up, independent work, participation, and final exam. The maximum effective mark for one module is 20 points, and the minimum positive mark threshold is 10 points.
The assessment is carried out according to the "Regulation of Organization of the Educational Process" in YSU.
Based on the workload of the courses provided by the oral educational curriculum, the form of the lessons, the teaching method, and taking into account the importance of the course in the formation of the student's professional knowledge and abilities, the courses are divided into four groups according to the evaluation form:
· Courses with final assessment,
· Courses without final assessment,
· Evaluation courses without mid-term exams,
· check-up courses.
The effective grade/unit of the course (educational module) is calculated as the sum of the points earned in individual assessment components: mid-term exam, mid-term check-up, independent work, participation, and final exam. The maximum effective mark for one module is 20 points, and the minimum positive mark threshold is 10 points.
5. Graduates future career opportunities
Graduates of the program can get a job at the Institute of Geological Sciences of the NAS of RA, A. Nazarov Institute of Geophysics and Engineering Seismology, YSU Faculty of Geography and Geology, and other academic and research organizations, RA Ministries of Environment, Territorial Management and Infrastructure, Emergency Situations, etc. mining and geological exploration organizations, in state agencies and other organizations carrying out conservation and monitoring, occupying the positions of lecturer, researcher, geologist, leading specialist, head of working group, head of department, etc.
Graduates of the program can continue their studies in Master's education programs of YSU and other universities and research institutions, including abroad.
Graduates of the program can get a job at the Institute of Geological Sciences of the NAS of RA, A. Nazarov Institute of Geophysics and Engineering Seismology, YSU Faculty of Geography and Geology, and other academic and research organizations, RA Ministries of Environment, Territorial Management and Infrastructure, Emergency Situations, etc. mining and geological exploration organizations, in state agencies and other organizations carrying out conservation and monitoring, occupying the positions of lecturer, researcher, geologist, leading specialist, head of working group, head of department, etc.
Graduates of the program can continue their studies in Master's education programs of YSU and other universities and research institutions, including abroad.
6. Resources and forms to support learning
The following support resources are available to students enrolled in the learning process: laboratory equipment, printed scientific literature, and electronic resources.
The following support resources are available to students enrolled in the learning process: laboratory equipment, printed scientific literature, and electronic resources.
7. Educational standards or programme benchmarks used for programme development
The requirements and characteristics for the qualification of a Bachelor's degree presented by the National Qualifications Network of RA higher education: knowledge, abilities, and skills (with amendments Հ-322-Ն 31.04.2011, Հ-714-Ն 07.07.2016). Bachelor's degree programs in Geology at Moscow State University, Moscow State University of Geology, St. Petersburg State University, and St. Petersburg Mining University, Mountain School of Ukraine.
The requirements and characteristics for the qualification of a Bachelor's degree presented by the National Qualifications Network of RA higher education: knowledge, abilities, and skills (with amendments Հ-322-Ն 31.04.2011, Հ-714-Ն 07.07.2016). Bachelor's degree programs in Geology at Moscow State University, Moscow State University of Geology, St. Petersburg State University, and St. Petersburg Mining University, Mountain School of Ukraine.
8. Requirements for the academic staff
1. General abilities.
· skills in making a coursework plan,
· knowledge of interactive teaching methods,
· ability to apply active learning techniques.
· ability to work with various scientific sources, as well as to use Internet information resources,
· Knowledge of research methods, and skill in their application.
· ability to communicate orally with the audience,
· ability to present, analyze, and discuss research results.
ICT application:
· basic computer (MS Office package: Word, Excel, PowerPoint) skills,
· ability to prepare and present demonstration material.
Other abilities:
· ability to estimate the necessary resources and implement projects effectively,
· ability to plan and manage time resources
2. Professional abilities:
· abilities to formulate and explain the theoretical foundations, problems, and goals of geological research methods (petrographic, tectonics, mineralogy, hydrogeology, geophysics, engineering geology),
· ability to present current issues of geological structure, subsoil use, extraction of mineral raw materials, and environmental protection of the Republic of Armenia.
· Skills in applying geophysical, hydrogeological, engineering-geological research methods,
· Ability to present the origin of the earth, endogenous and exogenous processes occurring in the earth's crust, hydrogeological, and engineering geological conditions.
· ability to choose the appropriate effective geophysical method when solving various geological problems.
3. General requirements:
· An academic rank or at least a Master's degree.
1. General abilities.
· skills in making a coursework plan,
· knowledge of interactive teaching methods,
· ability to apply active learning techniques.
· ability to work with various scientific sources, as well as to use Internet information resources,
· Knowledge of research methods, and skill in their application.
· ability to communicate orally with the audience,
· ability to present, analyze, and discuss research results.
ICT application:
· basic computer (MS Office package: Word, Excel, PowerPoint) skills,
· ability to prepare and present demonstration material.
Other abilities:
· ability to estimate the necessary resources and implement projects effectively,
· ability to plan and manage time resources
2. Professional abilities:
· abilities to formulate and explain the theoretical foundations, problems, and goals of geological research methods (petrographic, tectonics, mineralogy, hydrogeology, geophysics, engineering geology),
· ability to present current issues of geological structure, subsoil use, extraction of mineral raw materials, and environmental protection of the Republic of Armenia.
· Skills in applying geophysical, hydrogeological, engineering-geological research methods,
· Ability to present the origin of the earth, endogenous and exogenous processes occurring in the earth's crust, hydrogeological, and engineering geological conditions.
· ability to choose the appropriate effective geophysical method when solving various geological problems.
3. General requirements:
· An academic rank or at least a Master's degree.
9. Additional information about the programme
The course is the only one in RA, which, thanks to the cooperation with the Australian Micromine company, allows students to familiarize themselves with the Micromine software package (Micromine GGIS, GeoBank, Field Marshal) and master the basic principles of working with them. The Geology educational program is the only one in RA that prepares geological specialists.
The course is the only one in RA, which, thanks to the cooperation with the Australian Micromine company, allows students to familiarize themselves with the Micromine software package (Micromine GGIS, GeoBank, Field Marshal) and master the basic principles of working with them. The Geology educational program is the only one in RA that prepares geological specialists.