022801.02.6 - Oriental Studies
022801.02.6 - Turkic Studies
Qualification awarded:
Programme academic year:
Mode of study:
Full time
Language of study:
1. Admission criteria/requirements
The admission of applicants is carried out following the "Order of admission to RA state and non-state higher educational institutions (according to Bachelor's and continuing and integrated educational programs)" approved by the Government of the Republic of Armenia.
2. Programme Objectives
· To prepare specialists who are proficient in the literary, scientific, and colloquial vocabulary of the Turkish and Azerbaijani languages,
· To form a clear understanding of the history and current political issues of Turkey and Azerbaijan (in particular, the South Caucasus and the Middle East)
· To form a clear understanding of the history and current political issues of Turkey and Azerbaijan (in particular, the South Caucasus and the Middle East)
3. Educational outcomes of the programme
Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:
- Professional knowledge and understanding
- Լուսաբանելու թյուրքալեզու պետությունների (Սելջուկյան սուլթանության, Օսմանյան կայսրության, Թուրքիայի Հանրապետության, Ադրբեջանի Հանրապետության) պատմության հիմնահարցերը:
- Քննարկելու թյուրքական ու մուսուլմանական մշակութային արեալի՝ միջգիտակարգային ուսումնասիրման ժամանակակից մեթոդաբանական մոտեցումները և ծառայեցնելու դրանք ՀՀ պետական շահերին:
- Ներկայացնելու տեղեկատվություն թյուրքական լեզուների պատմության, հնչյունական, քերականական, բառապաշարային առանձնահատկությունների մասին:
- Ներկայացնելու տեղեկատվություն գրականագիտության, համաշխարհային և թյուրքալեզու ժողովուրդների գրականության պատմության վերաբերյալ:
- Ներկայացնելու գիտական տեղեկատվություն թյուրքական ժողովուրդների ծագումնաբանության, թյուրքալեզու պետությունների աշխարհագրական միջավայրի առանձնահատկությունների մասին:
- Միջմշակութային և ազգամիջյան հարաբերությունների ներդաշնակման, ՀՀ համար առաջնահերթություն ներկայացնող խնդիրների ընկալման և համապատասխան նախադեպերի քննության հենքի վրա մասնակցելու «թյուրքական աշխարհի» և հայության հաղորդակցման մեխանիզմների մշակմանը:
- Practical professional skills
- Կիրառելու թուրքերենի և ադրբեջաներենի քերականական և հնչյունական համակարգերի ու բառապաշարի (մասնավորապես՝ եզրաբանության) առանձնահատկությունների իմացությունը:
- Օգտագործելու ժամանակակից տեղեկատվական տեխնոլոգիաները թյուրքագիտության տարբեր բնագավառներում:
- Ծավալելու ինքնուրույն մասնագիտական (թարգմանչական) գործունեություն, ինչպես նաև իրականացնել հետազոտական ու վերլուծական աշխատանքներ ակադեմիական ոլորտում:
- Ձևակերպելու բանավոր և գրավոր խոսքը հայերեն և թուրքերեն (տրամաբանորեն ճիշտ, փաստարկված և հստակ):
- Կիրառելու արևելագիտության (թյուրքագիտության) բնագավառի (Թուրքիայի, Ադրբեջանի, այլ թյուրքալեզու պետությունների և ժողովուրդների) պատմության, լեզուների, գրականության, մշակույթի, քաղաքական համակարգերի մասին հիմնարար գիտելիքները:
- Վերլուծելու թյուրքալեզու ժողովուրդների գրականության (մասնավորապես օսմանյան և թուրքական գրականության) պատմության փուլերը:
- Իրականացնելու թուրքերենի և այլ թյուրքական լեզուների իմացություն և պրակտիկ հմտություններ պահանջող գիտամանկավարժական, թարգմանչական ու վերլուծական գործունեություն։
- General (transferable) competences
- Տարբեր աղբյուրներից տեղեկատվություն ստանալու և վերլուծելու` դրսևորելով քննադատական վերլուծություն։
- Կիրառելու գիտելիքները պրակտիկայում, ձևակերպելու և լուծելու մասնագիտական խնդիրներ, ներկայացնելու հետազոտական աշխատանքների արդյունքները
- Կատարելու թիմային աշխատանք:
- Պահպանելու մասնագիտական էթիկայի նորմերը:
4. Assessment methods
Based on the workload of the courses (educational modules) provided by the curriculum of the educational program, mode of study, teaching methods, and taking into account the importance of the course in the formation of professional knowledge and abilities of the student, the courses are divided into 4 groups according to the assessment:
· with the final assessment,
· without a final assessment,
· without evaluation of mid-term exams,
· check-ups.
A 20-point scale is used to assess student learning outcomes at YSU.
Course assessment components and their assigned points (expressed as percentages) are chosen by the teaching professor, based on the essence of the course's teaching and learning methods and expected educational outcomes, and approved by the Chair. The forms of conducting assessments and examinations are indicated in the specification of the given educational program, in the summary of the course (educational module). Two mid-term and final exams are mandatory components of the course evaluation with the final assessment, and at least one of the other components (current inspections, independent work, and participation) is chosen by the teaching professor. There may be mostly small-scale vocational courses without a final assessment. Two mid-term exams are mandatory components of course assessment without final evaluation, and at least two of the other components (mid-term check-ups, independent work, participation) are chosen by the teaching professor.
The final exam is a mandatory component of course evaluation without mid-term exams, and at least two of the other components (current tests, independent work, participation) are chosen by the teaching professor.
· with the final assessment,
· without a final assessment,
· without evaluation of mid-term exams,
· check-ups.
A 20-point scale is used to assess student learning outcomes at YSU.
Course assessment components and their assigned points (expressed as percentages) are chosen by the teaching professor, based on the essence of the course's teaching and learning methods and expected educational outcomes, and approved by the Chair. The forms of conducting assessments and examinations are indicated in the specification of the given educational program, in the summary of the course (educational module). Two mid-term and final exams are mandatory components of the course evaluation with the final assessment, and at least one of the other components (current inspections, independent work, and participation) is chosen by the teaching professor. There may be mostly small-scale vocational courses without a final assessment. Two mid-term exams are mandatory components of course assessment without final evaluation, and at least two of the other components (mid-term check-ups, independent work, participation) are chosen by the teaching professor.
The final exam is a mandatory component of course evaluation without mid-term exams, and at least two of the other components (current tests, independent work, participation) are chosen by the teaching professor.
5. Graduates future career opportunities
Graduates can apply their professional knowledge in both public and private sectors. In particular, in the RA President's staff, the RA Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Defense, RA National Security Service, scientific and analytical fields, television and radio companies, tourism, and business. Some of the graduates have the opportunity to carry out scientific and educational activities in such important scientific centers of RA as the National Academy of Sciences, Matenadaran named after M. Mashtots, Yerevan State University, and other state and private universities, as well as research institutes.
6. Resources and forms to support learning
Learning support resources are printed, electronic, online, and audio-visual materials, as well as technical means such as electronic whiteboards, computers, projectors, and recorders, which are provided by the Faculty of Oriental Studies.
The implementation of the program can become easier and more effective if there is a linguaphone audience that provides in-depth study of foreign languages.
The implementation of the program can become easier and more effective if there is a linguaphone audience that provides in-depth study of foreign languages.
7. Educational standards or programme benchmarks used for programme development
localized in Armenia, YSU strategic development plan (2016-2020).
2. RA Law on Higher and Post-Graduate Professional Education (adopted on December 14, 2004)
In addition, from a narrow professional point of view, the following were used for the development and processing of this program:
1. Concepts of modern orientalism, St. Petersburg, 2009.
2. Chapters from the history of Moscow East. Lazarevsky Institute, Moscow Institute of Oriental Studies, Moscow, 2015.
3. Simonyan A., Safaryan A., About the study of issues of Turkic philology in Armenia, Current issues of domestic and foreign Iranian studies, international scientific and practical conference, Kazan, May 15-16, 2015, p. 244-249.
4. Safaryan A., Melkonyan R., Pogosyan N., On the teaching of the Turkish language at the Yerevan State University, Language and culture in the era of integration of scientific knowledge and professionalization of education, Materials of the international scientific and practical conference, Pyatigorsk, 2017, p. 294-298.
Safaryan A., Galshoyan S., On some features of teaching Turkish language to Armenian students, "Oriental Studies Issues" collection of scientific articles, volume 13, Yerevan, 2018.
2. RA Law on Higher and Post-Graduate Professional Education (adopted on December 14, 2004)
In addition, from a narrow professional point of view, the following were used for the development and processing of this program:
1. Concepts of modern orientalism, St. Petersburg, 2009.
2. Chapters from the history of Moscow East. Lazarevsky Institute, Moscow Institute of Oriental Studies, Moscow, 2015.
3. Simonyan A., Safaryan A., About the study of issues of Turkic philology in Armenia, Current issues of domestic and foreign Iranian studies, international scientific and practical conference, Kazan, May 15-16, 2015, p. 244-249.
4. Safaryan A., Melkonyan R., Pogosyan N., On the teaching of the Turkish language at the Yerevan State University, Language and culture in the era of integration of scientific knowledge and professionalization of education, Materials of the international scientific and practical conference, Pyatigorsk, 2017, p. 294-298.
Safaryan A., Galshoyan S., On some features of teaching Turkish language to Armenian students, "Oriental Studies Issues" collection of scientific articles, volume 13, Yerevan, 2018.
8. Requirements for the academic staff
1. General Abilities
● Ability to make a coursework program (for language groups, a calendar plan),
● Knowledge of interactive teaching methods, and ability to use active learning techniques.
● Ability to work with various scientific sources, as well as to use Internet information resources,
● Ability to lead a research group.
● Ability to communicate with the audience,
● Ability to present research results in written form,
● Knowledge of a foreign language (at least B2 level of English).
ICT application
● Basic computer skills (fluent command of MS Office package),
● Ability to use modern social platforms,
● Skills to prepare and present light shows.
Other abilities
● Knowledge of professional ethics and legal norms regulating public relations,
● Teamwork ability.
Professional abilities
● Ability to analyze modern methods and models of the study of humanitarian thought,
● The ability to research the methodological foundations, concepts, as well as global and local issues related to the region of Turkology as a science that organically combines the research approaches of a number of humanitarian disciplines.
● Knowledge of the main scientific systems and scientific paradigms that make up the fields of Oriental studies and, in particular, Turkology,
● Ability to analyze the general historical and cultural, ethnic and sociolinguistic historical and contemporary picture of the region,
● The ability to research the modern methodological approaches of the interdisciplinary study of the cultural area of Turkic-speaking countries and peoples and highlight the features of regional integration processes,
● Knowledge of phonetic, morphological, and syntactic features of Turkish and Azerbaijani (for lecturers in language courses),
● Ability to translate Turkish and Azerbaijani simultaneously and/or sequentially (for lecturers in language courses).
2. General requirements
Academic degree
● Academic degree and/or rank in the field of social studies (especially Turkology), or, in some cases, a Master's degree in a given or related field,
● Publication of at least 3 scientific articles in peer-reviewed periodical and/or methodological publications in the last 5 years,
● At least 3 participations in conferences and/or workshops in the last 5 years,
● Knowledge of at least C1 level for teaching Turkish and Azerbaijani language.
Pedagogical experience
● At least 3 years of experience in teaching professional courses and/or conducting training,
● During the last 5 years, participation in local and/or international training and/or professional qualification improvement courses.
Practical experience
● At least 3 years of work experience in professional or related fields.
Other requirements
● Teaching portfolio: availability of online materials for at least 50% of taught subjects,
Student survey-grade point average of at least 4.0 (for teaching professors).
● Ability to make a coursework program (for language groups, a calendar plan),
● Knowledge of interactive teaching methods, and ability to use active learning techniques.
● Ability to work with various scientific sources, as well as to use Internet information resources,
● Ability to lead a research group.
● Ability to communicate with the audience,
● Ability to present research results in written form,
● Knowledge of a foreign language (at least B2 level of English).
ICT application
● Basic computer skills (fluent command of MS Office package),
● Ability to use modern social platforms,
● Skills to prepare and present light shows.
Other abilities
● Knowledge of professional ethics and legal norms regulating public relations,
● Teamwork ability.
Professional abilities
● Ability to analyze modern methods and models of the study of humanitarian thought,
● The ability to research the methodological foundations, concepts, as well as global and local issues related to the region of Turkology as a science that organically combines the research approaches of a number of humanitarian disciplines.
● Knowledge of the main scientific systems and scientific paradigms that make up the fields of Oriental studies and, in particular, Turkology,
● Ability to analyze the general historical and cultural, ethnic and sociolinguistic historical and contemporary picture of the region,
● The ability to research the modern methodological approaches of the interdisciplinary study of the cultural area of Turkic-speaking countries and peoples and highlight the features of regional integration processes,
● Knowledge of phonetic, morphological, and syntactic features of Turkish and Azerbaijani (for lecturers in language courses),
● Ability to translate Turkish and Azerbaijani simultaneously and/or sequentially (for lecturers in language courses).
2. General requirements
Academic degree
● Academic degree and/or rank in the field of social studies (especially Turkology), or, in some cases, a Master's degree in a given or related field,
● Publication of at least 3 scientific articles in peer-reviewed periodical and/or methodological publications in the last 5 years,
● At least 3 participations in conferences and/or workshops in the last 5 years,
● Knowledge of at least C1 level for teaching Turkish and Azerbaijani language.
Pedagogical experience
● At least 3 years of experience in teaching professional courses and/or conducting training,
● During the last 5 years, participation in local and/or international training and/or professional qualification improvement courses.
Practical experience
● At least 3 years of work experience in professional or related fields.
Other requirements
● Teaching portfolio: availability of online materials for at least 50% of taught subjects,
Student survey-grade point average of at least 4.0 (for teaching professors).
9. Additional information about the programme
Professors, graduate students, and students of YSU Turkology cooperate with leading universities of Turkic-speaking countries (in particular Mahtumkuli University (Turkmenistan), Astana National University named after L. N. Gumilyov (Kazakhstan)) and leading Turkic centers of Russia (Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov, Saint-Petersburg University, Kazan Federal University), as well as with cultural organizations.