Caucasian studies
Bachelor's degree programme
About the program
The establishment of the “Caucasus Studies” department at the Faculty of History of YSU in 2012 marked the importance of Caucasus studies as a discipline with established and rich traditions, both from purely scientific and political, applied, scientific, and geopolitical points of view.
The head of the Department of History of the neighboring countries of Armenia Professor Hayrapet Margaryan, prominent Caucasian scholars, professors Paruyr Muradyan, Pavel Chobanyan, and others had a decisive role in the establishment of the department, the creation of Caucasian studies educational programs, and the development of courses.
The aim of the program
The "Caucasus Studies" educational program aims to prepare specialists with fundamental knowledge of Armenian and Caucasian studies who will be competitive both in the Armenian and international scientific arenas. During the studies of the program, both general and narrow professional (Caucasian studies) courses, foreign languages (one European language, Georgian, Azerbaijani with in-depth study), narrow specialization courses (Georgia, Azerbaijan, North Caucasus history or specific historical periods) are taught.
Currently, the activities carried out in the chair include the evaluation and strategic research of the ancient, medieval, new, and modern ethnopolitical, religious, and cultural developments of the countries and peoples of the region, interrelationships, and the historical heritage of the Caucasian peoples.
Recognized and leading specialists of the republic teach in the chair, regularly undergo training, are involved in external and internal grant programs, and actively participate and make presentations at international conferences. The researchers of the Institutes of Oriental Studies and History of the National Academy of Sciences of RA are involved in the activities of the chair, which makes the activity of the chair more effective. The chair's scientists have authored educational manuals, monographs, school textbooks, and scientific articles, which are published in periodicals with a high impact factor.
Career opportunities
The graduates of the "Caucasus Studies" educational program (Azerbaijani scholars, Georgian scholars), which has been operating for more than ten years, work in various spheres of the republic's social and political life.
Graduates of the "Caucasus Studies" educational program have the opportunity to work in the labor market both in educational and scientific institutions, as well as in diplomatic missions of the RA Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in the system of the Ministry of Defense, in the National Security Service and other bodies, based on the Armenian and Caucasian studies curriculum.