Physicist, professor, and honored figure of science of the ASSR
Anzhur was born on April 21, 1985, in Nor Nakhichevan.
He graduated from the local school, and in 1905, from the St. Petersburg Institute of Technology, and then for three years studied at the University of Lausanne (Switzerland). In 1912, Anzhur graduated from the Sorbonne University (Paris), and in 1928, from the Paris School of Radio-Electricity.
From 1912 to 1920, Anzhur engaged in pedagogical activities in various cities of the North Caucasus and Transcaucasia. In 1920, he came to Armenia and got a job in Yerevan male gymnasium. In 1921, Anzhur was invited to YSU, where he organized a workshop for making physics laboratory instruments, devices, and other appliances. In 1922, Anzhur created a physics laboratory and managed it. He organized a number of other laboratories, including an electroradiolaboratory, based on which several independent laboratories were later created. In 1923, Anzhur started teaching.
In 1925, he went to the University of Paris and perfected at the Marie Curie-Skłodowska Radioactivity Laboratory. After returning to Yerevan, in 1928-1950, he worked at YSU again.
He authored a number of scientific works on various issues of electromagnetic energy radiation, solid body mechanics, and optics, as well as the educational manual "Physics in practice: electricity and Magnetism" (Yerevan, 1956).

In 1935, Anzhur became a professor, from 1938–1950, he was the head of the Department of Physics of Electricity and Oscillations.
During the Great Patriotic War, research works were carried out for military purposes in the YSU electro-radio laboratory under his leadership.
Anzhur was involved in the popularization of science and technology, particularly radio.
In 1941, Anzhur became an honored figure of science of the ASSR.
He passed away on December 4, 1958. in Yerevan.