December 14, 2023 | 11:00
YSU microbiology, bioenergetics and biotechnology laboratory to receive modern equipment
The microbiology, bioenergetics and biotechnology laboratory of YSU Scientific Research Institute of Biology is going to receive modern equipment, which will provide effective studies of different microbes, particularly phototrophs, ensuring their optimal growth and biomass production.
Within the framework of the competition "Providing financial support for the modernization of the material-technical base of scientific departments" announced by the Higher Education and Science Committee of the RA MoESCS, the institute will receive three new pieces of equipment, which will be used both during scientific research and laboratory works performed within the scope of educational process.
Lilit Gabrielyan, Associate Professor of Chair of Biochemistry, Microbiology, and Biotechnology of the YSU Faculty of Biology, Candidate of Biological Sciences, speaking about the capabilities of the "Climate chamber with lighting" equipment, noted that it creates favorable conditions for growing phototrophic bacteria, including green algae, cyanobacteria, and orange-pigmented bacteria.
"The equipment is endowed with different regimens of lighting, there is a combination of dark-light and also has the possibility of regulating temperature and moisture. The intensity of light regulates the growth of phototrophic bacteria, biomass production and metabolism, since they don’t grow without light," said L. Gabrielyan.
YSU microbiology, bioenergetics and biotechnology laboratory specializes in biochemistry and bioenergetics research of green algae, cyanobacteria, and orange-pigmented bacteria, attempts are made to find out the peculiarities of the metabolism of these microorganisms, to regulate the metabolism and get the necessary products.
"The purpose of the research works conducted in our laboratory is the production of biohydrogen, which may be used as an alternative fuel," said Lilit Gabrielyan and emphasized that the research in the light will also contribute to the development of bioenergetics and technology of producing biohydrogen from phototrophs.
Referring to one of the main problems of biomedicine in the world- finding an alternative to antibiotics- she emphasized that the "Climate chamber with lighting" equipment may also be used for green synthesis of nanoparticles, since antibiotic resistance in microbes is developing day by day, while nanoparticles are alternatives to overcome that stability. "Green algae and cyanobacteria serve as a raw material for synthesizing silver nanoparticles, and in this respect the laboratory has already a successful experience. Until recently, the emphasis was put on the chemical synthesis of nanoparticles. However, it has already been proven that the green synthesis or biological synthesis of nanoparticles is more promissory than chemical synthesis due to its economically profitable and environmentally safe nature."
Now they get silver nanoparticles from green organisms- algae and cyanobacteria- which are endowed with obvious antibacterial activity.
In addition to the "Climatic chamber with lighting" equipment, within the framework of the grant, the laboratory will also receive a biosafety cabinet- class II laminar flow cabinet, which is used when working with microbes and hazardous substances, ensuring the safety of the researcher and the environment while protecting the sample from external contamination. Forced Air Drying Cabinet, which is necessary for drying laboratory glassware and instruments, will also be received.
Lilit Gabrielyan mentioned that the employees of the Chair of Botany and Mycology will also have the opportunity to use them, for instance, to grow plants. "Thanks to the new pieces of equipment, the effectiveness of research studies will be increased. Students will master modern methods and learn to work with modern equipment."