January 18, 2024 | 14:49
YSU as a guideline for becoming competitive specialist
Yerevan State University continuously expands the list of educational programs, improves their content, expands technical capabilities and implements student-centered reforms to ensure the educational, scientific and cultural development of students.
YSU provides educational programs with three scientific degrees: undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate. Here, students have the opportunity to receive education in various directions: from natural to human sciences, physical-mathematical sciences, social sciences, economics, information technologies, etc. The university supports students during their studies by offering a flexible discount system for tuition fees.
In order to organize studies more effectively, students are provided with university emails, through which they receive information about the entire educational process, important news and events taking place at the university.
At the beginning of the first academic year, students also receive a student card, which provides them access to the YSU library. It is one of the largest libraries in the republic.
Yerevan State University regularly receives technical and laboratory equipment, giving students the opportunity to actively engage in scientific work and develop practical skills starting from their years of study.
YSU students are offered wide opportunities not only in Armenia, but also outside the borders of the country. Thanks to international cooperative relations, students go to different countries with exchange programs in order to enrich the stock of knowledge, to carry out joint scientific research work with partner universities.
In order to make student life more interesting, conduct research, participate in cultural and sports events, and organize entertainment, YSU students have the opportunity to become members of student structures, clubs and centers operating at the university, particularly the Student Council, the Student Scientific Society, the Charles Aznavour Cultural Center.
In addition to educational, cultural, sports and social programs, the university creates internship, volunteer and professional work opportunities for its students. Many students find jobs by regularly following the announcements sent to their student email address.
YSU students become competitive specialists not only thanks to formal, but also informal education. Courses, informative and educational meetings are regularly organized at YSU in order to develop the personal and professional qualities and skills of students.
As a reminder, the joint entrance examination held in January-February of the 2024-2025 academic year will start from January 20.
If you have desire to become a part of university life, then come to YSU, get a modern profession and become a competitive specialist in the labor market!
Wishing you the best of luck!