February 10, 2025 | 16:40
Academia-industry collaboration: Research concluded with collective monograph
At YSU Faculty of Economics and Management, scientific research was conducted from 2021 to 2024 on the topic "Issues and Solutions for the Development of Academia-Industry Collaboration in Armenia". Upon completion of the research, a collective monograph was published, providing an in-depth analysis of the process of academia-industry collaboration, existing challenges, and potential solutions, based on the research findings.

The study was carried out by Dean of YSU Faculty of Economics and Management and leader of the scientific group Karlen Khachatryan, Head of the Chair of Management and Business Associate Professor Anna Hakobyan, and the chair's PhD student, Kristine Nikoghosyan.
Karlen Khachatryan has provided an overview of the progress and findings of the research conducted within the framework of the thematic funding by the Higher Education and Science Committee of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture, and Sports of the Republic of Armenia.
Research Objectives Based on New Approaches
The goal of our research group was to analyze the collaboration channels between public and private sector organizations, the existing issues in the field, and the key directions that both parties should pursue to achieve tangible results. To achieve this goal, we analyzed three main stakeholders. The objects of analysis were six Armenian universities. Surveys were conducted among the deans, vice-deans, and chair heads of these universities to understand the expectations of educational organizers regarding the labor market and their vision of such collaboration (organizing internships, visits, lectures, etc.).
Focus Group Discussions to Clarify Communication Features Between Stakeholders
As part of the study, the research group, in collaboration with YSU Alumni and Career Center, organized several multilateral focus group discussions. Sectoral labor market analyses were also conducted to clarify the communication features between stakeholders, the motivations contributing to the establishment of long-term and mutually beneficial relationships with partner organizations, and concerns regarding the development of different forms of university collaboration. The regulation of academic-industry relations involves three main stakeholders: the university, the student, and the organization. Thus, understanding the perceptions and expectations of each is crucial for enhancing the effectiveness of future collaborations.
Published Books and Articles Based on Research Findings
As a final outcome of the work, we published six articles, two of which were published in scientific journals indexed in Scopus (Q3 and Q4 rankings). Subsequently, we published and distributed among partners a collective monograph titled "Bridging Academia and Industry: Unraveling University-Industry Collaborations in the EU and Transitioning Economies". This book aims to guide policymakers in establishing effective academia-industry collaborations for sustainable economic and academic growth. It presents our three years of research, analyses, discussion results, and the main collaboration channels through which universities and organizations interact in developed countries.

By studying the experience of developed countries, we see that collaboration goes beyond just organizing internships, providing scholarships by the private sector, and selecting potential employees. There are much deeper forms of collaboration, such as joint research, commercialization of research results, and the benefits derived from these efforts. In this regard, it is interesting to note that in Armenia, businesses tend to build their cooperation with universities mainly based on workforce training, with internships, offering scholarships to talented students, and involving lecturers who are actively engaged in practical activities in the educational process. However, representatives from the Armenian private sector currently do not envision joint research programs or business projects. In my opinion, this is where the potential for deepening academic-industry collaboration lies—not only in workforce training but also in the development of practical skills, innovation implementation, and knowledge exchange required for the development of the business sector.
Barriers to Collaboration and Solutions: Strengthening the Education-Labor Market Link
During the research, we identified the issues hindering the strengthening of the academia-industry link and raised the issue on a global level, giving stakeholders the opportunity to reflect deeply on the topic. We observed issues such as mutual trust, awareness, and motivation gaps. Global events demonstrate that we must involve representatives from the practical sector in the revision or reform process of educational programs to minimize the gap between education and labor market demands. I am confident that both the faculty and the university have significant tasks ahead in this direction.
As part of the study, we also analyzed the experience of leading European countries. In this context, our PhD student was assigned to Ca' Foscari University (Italy) for a year, where they conducted thorough research on both her doctoral thesis and our scientific topic. By collaborating with this university, we were able to analyze the main collaboration channels used in Europe, raise awareness of them, and attempt to localize them in our educational process.
If business representatives complain about the gap between education and labor market needs, they must take action towards educational institutions. This means coming forward to present demands, participating in quality improvement efforts for courses, and sending their employees to universities for relevant masterclasses. Here, collaborative efforts are essential to find solutions to these issues. As an example from our faculty, I can mention that the number of invited lecturers from various sectors, including large economic and industrial organizations, has significantly increased. These lecturers provide practical knowledge to students, helping to close the existing gap. Universities and organizations must both recognize the importance of this process.
New Ideas and Approaches for Studying Internship Organization Formats
Based on the findings of the research, new ideas have been developed regarding the format and content of internships. Educational reforms must be continuous. We emphasize that the scientific methods used in our research should not only be applied at our university but also be disseminated so that partners are aware of them and take appropriate steps in this direction.