APPROVAL OF ELECTIONS OF 4 DEANS AND 31 HEADS OF CHAIRS, NEW PROFESSORS, ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS: HEATED DISCUSSION BY YSU ACADEMIC COUNCIL Today, the regular session of the Academic Council took place in YSU Academic Council session hall. The agenda included eight main and several current issues.
ONE-WEEK SCHOOL AND PILGRIMAGE TO ARTSAKH: "SUMMER SCHOOL -2018" PROGRAM STARTS Today the opening ceremony of the "Summer School - 2018" program of YSU Vardanank military-patriotic education club took place.
“ALL PROBLEMS AT YSU SHOULD BE SOLVED”: YSU RECTOR MET WITH THE MEMBERS OF THE INITIATIVE ON SCIENTIFIC-EDUCATIONAL REFORMS AT YSU YSU Rector Aram Simonyan received members of the Scientific-Educational Reforms Initiative of YSU to discuss their proposals for initiating reforms at YSU and the mechanisms for their implementation.
PRESENTATION OF SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL "MODERN PSYCHOLOGY" AT YSU Today, the presentation of the "Modern Psychology" scientific magazine took place at YSU Faculty of Philosophy and Psychology. Members of the board, lecturers and students were present at the event.
"I HAVE ONLY POSITIVE MEMORIES FROM MY STUDENT YEARS": YSU GRADUATE 2018 Each year, from June 15 to July 27, YSU graduates receive their diplomas. At the solemn ceremony, graduates of the Faculty of International Relations received their graduation diplomas.
YSU ADMINISTRATION MET WITH SAINT PETERSBURG SCIENCE AND HIGHER EDUCATION COMMISSION MEMBERS Today, YSU Rector Aram Simonyan received the delegation from Russia headed by First Deputy Chairman of the St. Petersburg Science and Higher Education Commission Irina Ganus.
STUDY VISIT AND INFORMATION SEMINAR AT THE UNIVERSITY OF BARCELONA AND WORKSHOP-TRAINING AT THE UNIVERSITY OF PORTO The PRINTeL project entitled “Change in Classroom: Promoting Innovative Teaching and Learning to Enhance Student Learning Experience in Eastern Partnership Countries” funded by Erasmus + Programme of the European Union and coordinated by Yerevan State University (YSU) has been launched since January 2018.
“OPTICS AND PHOTONICS BORDERS” SCHOOL AT YSU The 4th day of the school on “The boundaries of optics and photonics” is taking place in Conference Hall of YSU 3rd Building.
“ARMENIA IS THE BEST PLACE TO LIVE AND CREATE”: YSU GRADUATE VARDAN ALOYAN 23-year-old Vardan Aloyan is a graduate of YSU Faculty of Physics and soon is going to start his military service. From 2015, student of the Chair of Nuclear Physics is a member of the CMS group, one of the LHC detectors in collaboration with the European Organization for Nuclear Research.
“NEVER TO GIVE UP, TO BE MOTIVATED, NEVER TO GARBLE THE GOAL - WE WILL ACHIEVE THE DESIRED RESULTS OWING TO THESE QUALITIES:” YSU PHD STUDENT TIGRAN GHAZARYAN Most of the first year PhD students studying at YSU deliver lectures in the field of their specialization right from the first year. Tigran Ghazaryan, a third-year PhD student of YSU Faculty of Law, shared his ideas about his first steps in this area.