‘THERE ARE BETTER AND WORSE WAYS TO COME TO KNOWLEDGE’: PETER BOGHOSSIAN Professor of the University of Portland Peter Boghossian about religion, Armenian origin, critical thinking and objective philosophical truth.
PARK OF YSU CENTENNIAL TO SYMBOLIZE ONE-CENTURY-OLD UNIVERSITY: THE MEMORIAL IS UNVEILED The ceremony of unveiling the memorial of the park of YSU Centennial has been held today in Berdzor town of Kashatagh district.
“FACULTY OF CHEMISTRY: KEY TO SUCCESS” ALUMNUS OF THE FACULTY SEVAK GRIGORYAN TELLS HOW CHOICE OF PROFESSION HAS BECOME GUARANTEE OF SUCCESS The alumnus of YSU Faculty of Chemistry, currently getting his post-graduation at the University of Groningen Sevak Grigoryan delivered a plenary lecture today.
“HISTORY AND CULTURE OF SALMAST”: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE AT YSU The conference entitled “The History and Culture of Salmast” was held today in the session hall of YSU Academic Council.
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POLITICAL MOTIVES IN BOOKS ABOUT HARRY POTTER Maria Shteinman is a Professor of the Faculty of Humanities of “Higher School of Economics” who studied Joanne Rowling’s books and delivers lectures on the political themes highlighted in them.
“IN ARGENTINA OUR NATION ARISES GREAT INTEREST”: AMBASSADOR OF ARMENIA TO ARGENTINA YSU acting Rector Gegham Gevorgyan hosted the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the RA to the Republic of Argentina H.E. Estera Mkrtumyan.
CREATING OF THE CENTRE FOR QUALITY CONTROL AND MONITORING OF CRUDE DRUGS AND A NEW MASTER PROGRAM IN YSU INSTITUTE OF PHARMACY The program of creation of the Centre for Quality Control and Monitoring of Crude Drugs and Master program for teaching pharmacists-analysts for “Quality research and monitoring of medicines” have been approved and received financing of USD 600.000, 540.000 of which was allotted by the World Bank, and 60.000 was co-financed by YSU.
MUSEUM OF YSU HISTORY IS NAMED AFTER PROFESSOR LUDVIG GHARIBJANYAN By the decision of YSU Academic Council, in the event of the 100th anniversary of YSU foundation, the Museum of YSU History has been named after Professor Ludvig Gharibjanyan who contributed greatly to the foundation and development of the university.
YSU TEAM PARTICIPATES IN PRESTIGIOUS INTERNATIONAL MOOT COURT AND GETS IMPRESSIVE RESULTS The team of YSU Faculty of Law participated in the annual international moot court related to the international criminal law which was held in Nurnberg, Germany on July 23-28.