GEGHAM GEVORGYAN IS APPOINTED ACTING RECTOR OF YSU The meeting of the Board of Trustees of YSU was held today in the Session Hall of YSU Academic Council. The agenda of the meeting had 2 items.
“SOLID STATE NANOPHYSICS AND NANOMATERIALS”: NEW MASTER PROGRAM AT FACULTY OF PHYSICS From the beginning of the academic year of 2019-2020 the Master program “Solid State Nanophysics and Nanomaterials” will be functioning at the Chair of Solid State Physics of the Faculty of Physics of YSU.
EVENT DEDICATED TO KOREAN CULTURE AND CEREMONY OF HANDING GRADUATION CERTIFICATES TO STUDENTS STUDIED KOREAN The event dedicated to the Korean culture was held today in the Cultural Centre of YSU. At the end of the event the students who participated in the Korean language studies were handed graduation certificates.
YSU SSS SUMMARIZES LAST TERM: EXPANDED SESSION HAS BEEN HELD The expanded session of YSU SSS of the second term of the academic year of 2018/2019 was held today in the Session Hall of YSU Academic Council.
“ONE BELT, ONE ROAD” INITIATIVE AND PERSPECTIVES OF ARMENIA’S INVOLVEMENT: SINOLOGIST MHER SAHAKYAN DELIVERS A LECTURE AT YSU The lecture entitled “One Belt, One Road” initiative and the perspectives of Armenia’s involvement” was delivered by the Chairman of “China-Eurasia” Council for Political and Strategic Research and the member of the Sinology Association of Great Britain, PhD in Political Sciences, sinologist Mher Sahakyan in the Center of Chinese Studies of YSU-CASS.
ԵՊՀ ԱՅՍ ՏԱՐՎԱ ՇՐՋԱՆԱՎԱՐՏՆԵՐԻ ԽՈՐՀՈՒՐԴՆԵՐԸ՝ ԱՅՍ ՏԱՐԻ ԵՊՀ ԸՆԴՈՒՆՎՈՂՆԵՐԻՆ Բակալավրիատի 2019-2020 ուսումնական տարվա դիմորդների դիմում-հայտերի ընդունման առաջին փուլով ԵՊՀ-ում հայտագրվել է գրեթե 2 հազար դիմորդ: Նրանցից շատերն առաջիկա մի քանի տարին սովորելու են ԵՊՀ-ում, ու լավ սովորելու, մոտիվանալու և ուսանելու ճիշտ ուղով առաջ գնալու համար նրանց իրենց խորհուրդներն են տալիս արդեն այդ ճանապարհն անցած՝ ԵՊՀ-ի այս տարվա շրջանավարտները։
EMPLOYEE OF YSU FACULTY OF LAW STUDIES THE ACTIVITY OF “EGHEGNADZOR” WATER CONSUMERS’ COMPANY On May 23, the lawyer of the Environmental Law Resource Centre of YSU Faculty of Law Olimpia Geghamyan visited the water consumers’ company “Eghegnadzor” within the frames of “Participatory and effective consumption of water resources” program.
“TURKEY, KEMALISM AND THE SOVIET UNION”: PRESENTATION OF BOOK AT YSU The American University of Armenia (AUA) Political Science and International Affairs (PSIA) Program Chair Dr. Vahram Ter-Matevosyan presented his recent book “Turkey, Kemalism and the Soviet Union: Problems of Modernization Ideology and Interpretation.” The book was released by Palgrave Macmillan.
50TH ANNIVERSARY OF ARTSAKH AZATAMARTIK HERO VARDAN DALLAKYAN IS MARKED IN YSU “Vardanank” military and patriotic education club organized an event dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the hero of Artsakh war, azatamartik Vardan Dallakyan in the Big Hall of the Faculty of History of YSU.
YSU DEVOTEES: MKRTICH MKRYAN The event is dedicated to the literary scholar, the corresponding member of the Arm SSR AS Mkrtich Mkryan. His student, professor Zhenya Kalantaryan tells about him.