SCIENTIFIC THEME: IDEOLOGICAL AND POLITICAL GROUNDS OF “NATION-ARMY” CONCEPT TO BE STUDIED The scientific theme entitled “The ideological and political grounds of “Nation-Army” concept” worked out by the scientific group led by the head of the Chair of History and Theory of Political Science of the Faculty of International Relations of YSU Ashot Yengoyan was guaranteed for financing by the RA MES Science Committee.
“COLLABORATE WITH MUSEUM AND REVEAL ITS EDUCATIONAL ROLE”: SEMINAR-DISCUSSION AT THE FACULTY OF GEOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY The event entitled “See the past as the present” was held today at the Faculty of Geography and Geology of YSU.
ARSEN BABAJANYAN TO BE APPOINTED VICE-RECTOR ON SCIENTIFIC POLICY AND INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION OF YSU The head of the Chair of Applied Electrodynamics and Modelling of the Faculty of Radiophysics of YSU, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor Arsen Babajanyan has been appointed Vice-rector on Scientific Policy and International Cooperation of “Yerevan State University” foundation.
GOR NAZARYAN TELLS ABOUT STUDYING AT YSU AND BECOMING PART OF “TEACH FOR ARMENIA” FOUNDATION had a talk with the alumnus of YSU Faculty of International Relations, leader of recruitment and involvement team of “Teach for Armenia” foundation Gor Nazaryan.
“BEST STUDENT OF THE REPUBLIC” AWARDEE MARIANA BOTSINYAN The student of YSU Faculty of Armenian Philology Mariana Botsinyan got the 1st place in the sphere of Armenian Studies in Master’s educational program in “Best student of the Republic-2018” competition.
“A DROP OF HONEY” AND “THE DOG AND THE CAT”: WATCHING AND DISCUSSION OF THE FILMS IN YSU CULTURAL CENTRE The watching and discussion of the film “A drop of honey” and the cartoon “The dog and the cat” based on Hovhannes Tumanyan’s same-name features were organized today in YSU Cultural Centre.
PUNISHMENT FOR FAKE NEWS AND DISRESPECT FOR AUTHORITIES: FREEDOM OF SPEECH LIMITATION OR IMPROVEMENT OF MEDIA ENVIRONMET? The RF President Vladimir Putin signed the amendment to the law, according to which, spreading fake news and showing disrespect for the country authorities will be legally punished.
THREE FACULTIES OF YSU TO PRESENT THEIR EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS TO HIGH SCHOOL PUPILS The Pupils of the 11th and 12th forms of “Heratsi” high school visited YSU faculties of Economics and Management, Law, and European Languages and Communication.
KENYAN SCIENCE TEACHER PETER TABICHI WINS GLOBAL PRIZE A science teacher from rural Kenya, who gives away most of his salary to support poorer pupils, has won a $1m prize (£760,000) for the world's best teacher.
THE LECTURER RETRAINED IN AUSTRIA TO SHARE KNOWLEDGE WITH COLLEAGUES Within the scope of “ERASMUS+ PRINTeL” tutors’ retraining course, the leader of the new technology lab of the IT Educational and Research Centre Arthur Avagyan took part in “Combined Teaching and Studies” course held in Joanneum University of Applied Studies in Graz, Austria and currently he is sharing his knowledge with colleagues.