During the teaching of science in public educational institutions, practical work and experiments do not occupy a primary place. The issue is often discussed that general educational institutions do not always have the opportunity to carry out practical work during science teaching. To make science subjects more understandable, accessible, and attractive for students, the YSU Continuing Education Center offers a summer science workshop. The program is a unique opportunity to understand how the world around us works through scientific experiments and practical work.
Project description
"Science is fun! See! Touch! Try!" educational program is an initiative of the YSU Continuing Education Center. Within the framework of the program, schoolchildren of 8-12 grades with the help of YSU professors and students will learn to perform practical works and scientific experiments independently within the scope of "Physics" and "Biology" (botany, zoology, ecology, physiology, biochemistry, and genetics).
The program will start on June 22 and will last for 3 weeks. During this period, based on the educational programs of public educational institutions, schoolchildren will perform practical work, scientific experiments and comprehensively study the above-mentioned subjects in YSU laboratories.
During the program, schoolchildren will learn based on their own experience:
what are polarization of light, colors, optical fiber, light pressure, moment of inertia of the wheel, Newton's balls, lava lamp, gravity, non-Newtonian fluid,
distinguish between the mushrooms growing in the territory of the Republic of Armenia, higher and lower plants,
to evaluate the viability of human carcinogenic cells by trypan blue exclusion test,
how to get postphase chromosomes
how to extract DNA from bananas using soapy water
assess the degree of soil salinity,
make a microscopic study of different representatives of unicellular organisms,
to perform a microscopic study by watching videos on parasitic flatworms and roundworms,
observe the microbial composition of air, water and soil (in Petri dishes and with a microscope),
determine the antibiotic resistance of bacteria,
identify and determine proteins that are important biomolecules,
to determine the activity of enzymes in bacterial membranes.
Schoolchildren will visit workshops 2 days a week (Monday and Thursday) for 3-4 hours. The program also provides one-time healthy meals.
The laboratories and classrooms equipped with the latest technologies will be the laboratories of YSU science subjects.
The fee for participating in the program is AMD 45,000.
Those who are interested have to fill out the following questionnaire on June 20.
For further information, contact the YSU Continuing Education Center.
Phone: (+374 60) 710 212
Email: postgraduate@ysu.am