New knowledge and experience: YSU best student’s path to success Stella Shahinyan, a master's student at YSU Faculty of European Languages and Communication, has always aspired to create new opportunities through language learning, which would contribute to both professional and personal growth. During her studies, she realized that languages and intercultural communication play a crucial role in the business world. Overcoming intercultural "barriers", the opportunity to work with international partners, as well as the dynamism and vitality of the business sector, have always captivated her and served as a driving force for continuing her education at the master's level.
Possibilities of creating biosphere in space stations: Armenian scientist’s new project The growth of plants in space environments has become a focal point of scientific interest, as it directly concerns the issues of astronauts' nutrition, oxygen supply, and humidity control within the spacecraft. This research is being carried out by the members of the scientific team who won the interdisciplinary competition at the "Annual Review Conference-2024" of the Armenian academic community. The "Creation of a Biological Environment in Space Stations" project aims to develop a biosphere within space stations, ensuring the astronauts' nutritional needs.
The key to success lies not only in the education you receive but in continuous self-education – YSU student Emma Noninyan Emma Noninyan, a second-year master’s student at YSU Faculty of Armenian Philology, enrolled in the "History and Linguistics of the Armenian Language" Master's program, regards the pursuit of continuous education and specialization, alongside the acquisition of new knowledge, skills, and experience, as central to her goals. Emma emphasizes the importance of self-education in the journey to becoming a well-versed specialist, as it opens new doors in the academic realm and fosters the development of professional expertise.
Contemporary lessons on microbiology and energy exchange: Insights from Professor Nath Professor Sunil Nath, a renowned scientist from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi, was invited to Yerevan State University (YSU) to expand scientific research cooperation, exchange experiences, and offer lectures on contemporary topics in microbiology and biochemistry. During his visit, part of YSU internal scientific and educational grant program, he delivered a lecture on "Principles of Microbial Physiology and Biochemistry."
Through perseverance, determination, and a deep love for the chosen profession, one can make their dreams come true Lusine Baghdasaryan, a second-year master's student at YSU Faculty of Biology, is one of the winners of the 2024 competition for awarding named scholarships to the top-performing students of Armenian universities ("Best Student"). She succeeded in this competition due to her belief in her own abilities, hard work, determination, active engagement in the field of science, and dedication.
Pathogens of zoonotic diseases from wild mammals to be studied Pathogens of new diseases can be transmitted to humans by synanthropic mammals that live alongside people. To counteract this phenomenon, it is essential to first study what pathogens these mammals carry. This issue falls within the research domain of Associate Professor Astghik Ghazaryan from the Faculty of Biology.
The first step on the path to becoming the best specialist begins at the student desk – YSU student Nazeli Yesayan The culture, the phonetic beauty of language, and the brilliant works of literature have always captivated Nazeli Yesayan, a student at Yerevan State University, while the professors have strengthened her love for the field she has chosen. Her primary goal is to teach at Yerevan State University, continuing to contribute to the development of science and education.
YSU summarizes past year’s outcomes The 2023-2024 academic year was highly productive for Yerevan State University. Despite facing significant external challenges that had a profound impact on both society and the university, YSU successfully adhered to its strategic plan. Throughout the year, it focused on enhancing educational programs, advancing scientific research, and strengthening international partnerships. Efforts to modernize the educational environment continued, with the university striving to create conditions that align with global standards and evolving demands.
Diligence, time management, and perseverance: YSU student Lida Yeghiazaryan’s success story Student life is both challenging and filled with significant opportunities that contribute to professional development. Lida Yeghiazaryan, a student at Yerevan State University, reflected on her academic journey, discussing her achievements, the obstacles she faced in her pursuit of becoming a professional, and the importance of being goal-oriented and continually striving for excellence.
From coffee waste to green future: YSU scientists explore effective recycling methods for coffee waste A new study conducted at YSU Research Institute of Biology reveals that coffee waste can serve as a basis for producing biofuels, thereby contributing to environmental preservation and the development of a green economy. Karen Trchounian, Director of the Research Institute of Biology, provided further details about the research.