SCIENTIFIC TOPIC: STUDY OF SOME ARMENIAN HERBAL’S ANTICANCER ACTIVITY. MES Scientific Committee granted topic «New therapeutic approaches in breast anticancer treatment using Armenian herbal extracts combined with L-arginine/polyamine/nitric oxide pathway inhibitors» presented by YSU, Faculty of Biology.
OPEN LETTER TO THE RA HIGHER ATTESTATION COMMITTEE Some scientific periodicals occurred at the focus of attention of the Higher Attestation Committee.
WORLD’S DEEPEST BLUE HOLE DISCOVERED IN CHINA Specialists claim that the depth of the hole is more than 300 m.
NEW FORMAT OF ONLINE LEARNING BY SMARTPHONES TO BE USED AT YSU The employees of the Chair of Ecology and nature Protection of the Faculty of Biology and the Information Technologies Educational and Research Centre worked out a new way of online learning of “Basics of Ecology and Nature Protection”.
HOW TO WRITE? STIVEN KING’S ADVICE The American writer Steven King who is also referred to as “the king of horror”, is the author of more than 50 books.
WHAT SOUNDS DO CELESTIAL BODIES PRODUCE? Almost all celestial bodies can produce their unique sounds, and researchers managed to record some of them. Due to this records we can hear the sounds produced by the Sun, the Black Holes and our planet Earth.
NEW CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY, APPROVAL OF BUDGET ESTIMATES, STRUCTURE AND STAFF LIST: SESSION OF YSU BOARD OF TRUSTEES HAS BEEN HELD The session of YSU Board of Trustees is going on today in the Session Hall of YSU Academic Council. The session has 7 items on the agenda and several current issues.
“I REALLY DON’T UNDERSTAND THE DEFINITION OF “PRO-GOVERNMENTAL” AND “NON-GOVERMENTAL” CANDIDATES”: NEW CHAIRMAN OF YSU BOARD OF TRUSTEES GEVORG MURADYAN During his Q&A with the journalists, the newly appointed Chairman of the Board of Trustees of YSU Gevorg Muradyan referred to a number of issues.
“YSU HAS LIMITED ADMISSION PERIOD, WHILE OTHER UNIVERSITIES HAVE DIFFERENT PERIODS FOR ADMISSION”: YSU RECTOR Referring to the two issues raised by YSU Rector Aram Simonyan which are the absence of high school and college in YSU staff and the unequal conditions in Bachelor program admission comparing with American, French, Slavonic universities in Armenia and Yerevan Branch of Moscow State University, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary R. Karapetyan addressed his question to YSU Rector Aram Simonyan:
YSU RECTOR ASKS THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES TO OBJECT TO THE DRAFT ON MAKING BASIC FINANCING OF SCIENCE COMPETITIVE Presenting the decreased financing of scientific and research programs and science in general and the low salaries in particular, YSU Rector noted that such a situation can cause problems with young specialists attraction to the university.