“LET’S COMPETE” AT YSU On the initiative of the Student Council a concert-contest “Let’s compete at YSU” was held in the big hall of YSU.
CHINESE INVESTMENT POLICY IN SOUTH CAUCASUS: ARMENIAN-CHINESE INVESTMENT POLICY TO BE DISCUSSED Today the SSS of the Faculty of International Relations of YSU organized another lecture within the frames of “Regional challenges” course.
“REGIONAL CHALLENGES”: DISCUSSION OF DYNAMICS OF DEVELOPMENT OF ARMENIAN-GEORGIAN RELATIONSHIP The SSS of the Faculty of International Relations of YSU organized another lecture within the frames of “Regional challenges” course.
DAY OF ORIENTATION IN MAJORS: FACULTY OF CHEMISTRY HOSTS PUPILS OF SCHOOL N94 Within the framework of “Day of orientation in majors” program being implemented by the Department of Pre-university Education of YSU the pupils of the high school N94 visited the Faculty of Chemistry.
BIOLOGIST FROM BELARUS DELIVERS SPECIALIZED LECTURE AT YSU Today the Chair of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Biotechnology hosted the leading researcher of of the Institute of Microbiology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, PhD in Biology Tatyana V. Semashko.
PROFESSOR FOUND INSPIRATION IN HIS PROFESSOR WIFE Yerevan State University became the place of the crucial meeting of the Professor of the Chair of Modern Armenian Literature of the Faculty of Armenian Philology Vazgen Gabrielyan and the Professor of the Chair of Theory of Literature and Literary Criticism Zhenyan Kalantaryan.
“THE TIME OF OUR YOUTH IS THE BEST ONE”: ANDREY BITOV PASSED AWAY The Russian writer, Honorary Citizen of Yerevan, Honorary Doctor of YSU, awardee of YSU Gold medal, laureate of a number of prizes Andrey Bitov was one of the founders of postmodernism in the Russian literature.
THREE-DAY REPUBICAN YOUTH CENFERENCE DEDICATED TO HISTORIAN’S DAY AT YSU The three-day republican youth conference has been opened today on the joint initiative of the Faculties of History, Theology, Oriental Studies and the Institute for Armenian Studies of YSU.
AGENDA OF CIVIL SOCIETY PRIOR TO SNAP PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS: PUBLIC DISCUSSION AT YSU The public discussion entitled “Agenda of civil society prior to the snap parliamentary elections” organized by “Partnership for open society” initiative was held in Charents auditorium of YSU.
SPECIALIZED SCHOOL FOR HISTORIANS IS STARTED AT YSU The four-day specialized school for historians entitled “Historians school-2018” was held at Paleans Hall of YSU.