SCIENTIFIC THEME: ROLE OF QUANTUM VACUUM IN COSMOLOGICAL MODELS IS STUDIED The scientific theme “Topology induced phenomena in cosmological models” presented by YSU Faculty of Physics has been guaranteed for MES Science Committee.
PRESENTATION OF STORY COLLECTIONS “VOICE OF INDEPENDENT GENERATION” AT YSU CULTURAL CENTRE The presentation of the story collections entitled “Voice of independent generation” was held at YSU Cultural Center today.
“IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO IMAGINE MODERN RUSSIAN HISTORY WITHOUT ARMENIANS”: AMBASSADOR EXTRAORDINARY AND PLENIPOTENTIARY OF RUSSIA TO ARMENIA Today YSU Rector Aram Simonyan had a meeting with the newly-appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Russian to Armenia H.E. Sergey Kopirkin YSU Vice-Rector for Scientific Policy and International Cooperation Gegham Gevorgyan, the head of the Department of International Cooperation Alexander Margarov, the Dean of the Faculty of Russian Philology Pavel Balayan, the director of YSU Russian Centre Arusyak Nersesyan were present at the meeting.
“SUCCESS IS INSIDE US”: MUSHEGH AVETISYN SPEAKS ABOUT ACHIEVING SUCCESS YSU Alumni and Career Centre organized the meeting-discussion entitled “Success is inside us” with the participation of life and business coach, businessman Mushegh Avetisyan.
PUPILS OF THE HIGH SCHOOL N 142 GET NEW THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL KNOWLEDGE On the initiative of the Department of Pre-university Education of YSU, a group of pupils of the 11th form of the high school N 142 after A. Gharibyan visited the Faculty of Chemistry.
YSU IS AMONG TOP BEST: STUDENTS HAVE RETURNED FROM UZBEKISTAN WITH MEDALS Three students of YSU Faculty of Informatics and Applied Mathematics won 1 gold and 2 silver medals at the international Mathematics contest held at Al-Khoresmi University of Uzbekistan.
IN MEMORIAM OF PROFESSOR LEVON MOURADIAN Professor Levon Mouradian, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Founder and Scientific Director of the Research Laboratory of Ultrafast Optics and Photonics of Scientific-Research Institute of Physics, Doctor of Science, Leading Specialist of Chair of Optics of the Faculty of Physics of the Yerevan State University deceased on September 19, 2018 at the age of 62 after a long battle with cancer.
Պատմաբանի օրվան նվիրված երիտասարդական հանրապետական գիտաժողով Գիտության մեջ զարգանալու նոր հնարավորություններ
Մասնակցե՞լ, թե ոչ... Հարցազրույց ԵՊՀ սոցիոլոգիայի ֆակուլտետի ՈՒԳԸ նախկին նախագահ Օֆելիա Գրիգորյանի հետ, ով այժմ ֆակուլտետի ասպիրանտուրայի ուսանող է: Հարցազրույցի ընթացքում անդրադարձել ենք արդեն ավանդույթ դարձած սոցիոլոգիայի ֆակուլտետի հիմնադրմանը նվիրված գիտաժողովին:
TWO NEW TEXTBOOKS: RUSSIAN STUDIES TO BECOME MORE EFFECTIVE AT YSU YSU Faculty of Russian Philology has published two textbooks.