‘WE CAN COMPARE IT TO HOLOCAUST STUDIES, WHICH EVEN AFTER MORE THAN 60 YEARS WIDESPREAD INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH STILL IS NOT COMPLETED ’: ROLF HOSFELD Academic Director of the Potsdam Lepsius House about Armenian Genocide, knowledge of history and comparative questions.
JAPANESE FAIRY TALE WITH ARMENIAN HEROES The event was organized by 2nd and 3rd year students of the Japanese language group of YSU Faculty of International Relations.
YSU REPUBLICAN CONFERENCE DEDICATED TO THE 150TH ANNIVERSARY OF YERVAND OTYAN AND LEVON SHANT A republican conference dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Yervand Otyan and Levon Shant was held at YSU Faculty of Armenian Philology today.
NEW SUGGESTIONS AND DISCUSSIONS.YSU ACADEMIC COUNCIL MEETING Today a meeting of the Academic Council of YSU took place. On the agenda were 6 main and a number of current issues.
HOW TO PUBLISH AN ARTICLE IN THE WELL-KNOWN SYSTEM OF SCIENTIFIC JOURNALS "SCOPUS". LECTURE AT YSU A lecture was held today at the Faculty of Economics and Management of Yerevan State University on how to publish an article in the Scopus scientific journal.
"SPEAK IF YOU CAN!" PUBLICATION COMPETITION AT YSU YSU Student Council of YSU Faculty of International Relations has organized a "Speak if you can" publicity contest, the winners of which are announced today.
WORLD ARABIC LANGUAGE DAY AT YSU World Arabic Language Day has been celebrated at the Yerkanyans auditorium of YSU Faculty of Oriental Studies.
DR. BALDUR THORHALLSSON – PROFESSOR AT THE UNIVERSITY OF ICELAND – HELD AN ONLINE LECTURE AT YSU On December 17th, Dr. Baldur Thorhallsson – professor at the University of Iceland – held an online lecture on the foreign policy of small states and the Shelter theory at the invitation of Narek Sukiasyan – 2nd year student of YSU MA programme “Regional Politics”.
CONFERENCE DEDICATED TO THE PROBLEMS OF DEVELOPMENT AND REGULATION OF MODERN ARMENIAN VOCABULARY AT YSU Today at YSU Faculty of Armenian Philology a conference about the problems of development and regulation of modern Armenian vocabulary was held.
DEPUTIES OF THE KAZAKH PARLIAMENT AT YSU FACULTY OF ORIENTAL STUDIES The delegation was headed by Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Social and Cultural Development of the Kazakh Parliament Beibit Mamraev.