“4PS4YOUTH” EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM AS A PLATFORM FOR NON-FORMAL EDUCATION The “4Ps4YOUth” long-term program for development of abilities was held in Potsdam, Germany on July 15-22.
EDUCATIONAL COURSE FOR DIASPORA CHOREOGRAPHERS AND CHOIRMASTERS HAVE STARTED The Office of the High Commissioner for Diaspora Affairs adjunct to the RA Prime Minister organized the Educational Course for Diaspora Choreographers and Choirmasters to be held from July 21 to August 2. The trainings are held by YSU Cultural Centre.
HEAD OF GENOCIDE STUDIES DIVISION OF YSU IAS SUREN MANUKYAN REPRESENTS ARMENIA AT “ ADDRESSING ANTISEMITISM IN AND THROUGH EDUCATION” FORUM The head of the division of Genocide Studies of YSU Institute of Armenian Studies Suren Manukyan was representing Armenia at the forum entitled “Addressing Antisemitism In and Through Education” which was held in Paris on July 10-11.
EDUCATION IS A LONG-LASTING PROCESS: GRADUATION DIPLOMAS RE HANDED AT FACULTY OF EUROPEAN LANGUAGES AND COMMUNICATION The ceremony of handing diplomas to the alumni of the Bachelor program of the Faculty of European Languages and Communication was held in Charents hall of YSU.
CONFIRMATION OF STAFF LIST AND STRUCTURAL CHANGES: MEETING OF YSU BOARD OF TRUSTEES HAS BEEN HELD The meeting of YSU Board of Trustees has been held with three issues on the agenda.
SECRETARY OF YSU BOARD OF TRUSTEES EXPLAINS: YSU REGULATION HASN’T BEEN BROKEN Today an opinion was expressed regarding the termination of the Centre for Student Affairs that the session of the Board of Trustees breaks the Regulations of YSU contradicting poitn2 of Paragraph 49.
DIRECTOR OF CENTRE ON STUDENT AFFAIRS EXPRESS ANXIETY WITH MEETING OF YSU BOARD OF TRUSTEES: PRESS CONFERENCE IN YSU The director of YSU Centre on Student Affairs Vahagn Varagyan gave a press conference to express his position regarding the discussion of termination of the Centre by YSU Board of Trustees.
FIRST ISSUES OF YOUTH SCIENTIFIC PERIODICAL “COLLECTION OF SCIENTIF IC ARTICLESOF YSU SSS” OF 2019 HAVE COME OUT The presentation of the issue 1.1. (27) of Nature Sciences and Physics and Mathematics and 1.2 (28) issue of Humanity and Social Sciences of the scientific youth periodical “Collection of scientific articles of YSU SSS” was held in the session hall of YSU Academic Council.
COOPERATION BETWEEN YSU AND PAUL-VALERIE MONTPELLIER 3 UNIVRSITY TO BE CONTINUED The cooperation signed between Yerevan State University and Paul-Valerie Montpellier University within the frames of “Erasmus+” program is going to be strengthened. It will be continued till 2020.
GRADUATION EVENT OF STUDENTS OF FACULTY OF GEOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY The ceremony of handing diplomas to the alumni of YSU Faculty of Geography and Geology was held in the session hall of the Academic Council.