DEAN OF FACULTY OF ARMENIAN PHILOLOGY VISITS YEREVAN BASIC SCHOOL N10 AFTER KHRIMYAN HAYRIK On the event of “Mother Language Day”, the Dean of YSU Faculty of Armenian Philology Artsrun Avagyan visited Yerevan basic school N 10 after Khrimyan Hayrik.
NEW PROGRAM OF ADVANCED SOLUTIONS CENTRE TO BE PRESENTED TO YSU COMMUNITY The representatives of the Foundation of Armenian Science and Technology (FAST) presented the teaching staff, postgraduates and students of YSU the new program of the Advanced Solutions Centre (ASCENT).
EXHIBITION DEDICATED TO “WINTER UNIVERSIADE-2019” TO OPEN AT YSU The Centre of Russian Science and Culture in Yerevan together with “Sputnik Armenia” news agency are holding an exhibition dedicated to the 19th World “Winter Universiade 2019” to be held in Krasnoyarsk, Russia on March 2-12.
TAKING PROJECTS, NEW DECISIONS, ACTIVE DISCUSSIONS: MEETING OF YSU ACADEMIC COUNCIL TO BE HELD The regular meeting of YSU Academic Council was held today. It had 7 issues on the agenda and a number of current issues to be discussed.
ANNOUNCEMENT OF ACADEMIC COUNCIL OF YEREVAN STATE UNIVERSITY Following paragraph 49, subparagraph 12 of “Yerevan State University” Regulations, paragraph 4, subparagraph 12 of YSU Academic Council Regulations, YSU Academic Council accepts the following announcement:
YSU RECTOR TO REFER TO RA ES MINISTER LIVE ON FACEBOOK Today the meeting of the Academic Council was held in the Session Hall of the Academic Council of YSU. During the meeting Aram SImonyan referred to the announcement spread by the RA Police and the live speech of the RA Minister of Science and Education via “Facebook” social media site.
YSU RETRAINED LECTURERS SHARE THEIR EXPERIENCE WITH COLLEAGUES On December 3-7, YSU lecturers took part in “Active Learning in Flipped Classroom” qualification improvement training they got in Linköping, Sweden and currently they are sharing their experience with their colleagues.
YSU TO HOST THE ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF EUROPEAN EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATION IN 2022 Today YSU Rector Aram Simonyan hosted the EERA Executive Board President Joe O’Hara and the EERA Office Manager Angelika Wegscheider.
JOURNALISTS OF “LET’S UNDERSTAND” TV PROJECT ARE AT FACULTY OF JOURNALISM A meeting with the authors and journalists of ‘Let’s understand” TV project Aelita Chilingaryan and Sona Abrahamyan was held at YSU Faculty of Journalism today.
AS A MEANS OF FEEDBACK STUDENTS’ SURVEYS BOOST UNIVERSITY DEVELOPMENT, PROGRESS AND PROBLEMS SOLUTION The system of students surveys about the quality and effectiveness of teaching as a mechanism of assessment of the faculty activity and moral and psychological features boosts formation of new approaches among YSU teaching community and improves the teaching and organizational processes.