THE MISSION OF THE DIPLOMAT: THE EXAMPLE OF THE RA AMBASSADOR IN THE KINGDOM OF SPAIN. ONLINE LECTURE AT YSU Within the framework of the subject "Diplomatic Writing" taught at the Faculty of International Relations of YSU, students participated in the online lecture with Sos Avetisyan, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Armenia to the Kingdom of Spain, on the topic "Armenian-Spanish relations and the features of the diplomatic service".
THE PROJECT PRESENTED BY THE YSU EXPERT TEAM IS IN THE FINALE OF THE INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION The "Education Preparedness Index in COVID-19" project, developed by YSU European Studies Center experts, has entered the finale of the International Competition of Education Innovations.
YSU STUDENTS ARE CONSTANTLY INFORMED OF EMPLOYMENT OFFERS In the conference hall of the Faculty of Informatics and Applied Mathematics of YSU, a course titled "Skills for creating a CV and presenting to the employer" was held, at the end of which the students transferred their data in order to receive regular information about future job offers.
COMBINING POTENTIAL, EFFORTS AND RESOURCES TO IMPLEMENT ADDITIONAL JOINT EDUCATIONAL AND RESEARCH PROGRAMS. A COOPERATION AGREEMENT WAS SIGNED YSU Rector Hovhannes Hovhannisyan and Director of the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia Arsen Bobokhyan, taking as a basis the mutual benefit of the joint activity of the two institutions and the importance of its further development and strengthening, signed a cooperation agreement today.
IMPLEMENTATION OF JOINT RESEARCH PROGRAMS AND BROAD SCOPE OF COOPERATION: MEMORANDUM OF COOPERATION WAS SIGNED YSU Rector Hovhannes Hovhannisyan and Deputy Chief Executive Director of "Acba Bank" OJSC Arsen Melkonyan today signed a memorandum of cooperation between the two institutions to jointly develop and implement research programs and projects.
YSU STUDENTS ACQUIRE NEW SKILLS FOR TEACHING GERMAN. THE UNIVERSITY VALUES NON-FORMAL EDUCATION YSU Faculty of European Languages and Communication launched the program implemented jointly with the Tbilisi "Goethe" Institute, the participating students of which, while developing their linguistic knowledge of German, will have the opportunity to be acquainted with modern language teaching methods.
DISCOVERING UNIVERSITY PERSONS. ANAHIT NIKOGHOSIAN Anahit Nikoghosyan is one of YSU professors with long-term experience and one of the few who dedicated their life to science. We talked with Associate professor A. Nikoghosyan about her lifestyle, teaching methods, her love for university and work and other issues.
"THANKS TO THE KNOWLEDGE I RECEIVED FROM THE SKILLED LECTURERS OF THE ARABIC STUDIES DEPARTMENT, I HAVE NOT ENCOUNTERED ANY PROBLEMS SINCE THE FIRST DAY I ARRIVED IN JORDAN." ANGELA ISMAILYAN During their studies at the YSU Faculty of Oriental Studies, students have the opportunity to study in a number of Arab countries through an exchange program. Angela Ismailyan will study for one academic year at the Language Center of the University of Jordan.
YSU STUDENTS TEACH ENGLISH TO BRAZILIAN STUDENTS USING NEW METHODS YSU European Languages and Communication Faculty students Anna Madatyan and Julieta Gevorgyan have been participating in both local and international programs since their student years, transferring their knowledge to both foreign and Armenian students. In the conversation with us, they told about the acquired teaching experience, YSU's invaluable role in it and the goals they set.
THE ITALIAN GUEST SPEAKER GAVE A LECTURE AT YSU "New understanding of the world of nucleo peptides" at YSU Institute of Pharmacy. Giovanni Roviello, Doctor of Biotechnology, researcher at the Institute of Biostructures and Bioimaging of the National Research Council of Naples presented “Synthesis, Properties, Applications of Nucleo amino Acids and Nucleo peptides”.