WATCHING A DOCUMENTARY FILM ABOUT HOVHANNES ISAKOV AT YSU FACULTY OF HISTORY The film, which is shown for the first time in Armenia, is dedicated to the life and activities of Hovhannes Isakov, an Armenian scientist, writer, admiral, military strategist, and commander, especially his direct participation and role in the Great Patriotic War.
THE YSU ALUMNI AND CAREER CENTER CONTINUES TO EXPAND THE SCOPE OF COOPERATION: MEETING WITH EMPLOYER ORGANIZATION REPRESENTATIVES A meeting with the representatives of the Swedish company "Evolution Armenia" was held at the YSU Faculty of European Languages and Communication. During the meeting, they presented what opportunities and advantages YSU students have in terms of working in the company and doing internships.
A NEW FORM OF TOURISM IS INTRODUCED IN ARMENIA. THE SUMMARY OF THE RESULTS OF THE "PRO EXTOUR" PROJECT TOOK PLACE During the meeting held at the Faculty of Geography and Geology of YSU, the works carried out during the previous three years, the results of the programs organized within the project, including the summer schools, as well as the experience of partner enterprises participating in the business forum held in Varna, were presented.
SCHOOLCHILDREN GAIN NEW KNOWLEDGE ABOUT BIOLOGY The pupils of the 7th grade of Yerevan D. Varuzhan primary school N 89 made a study visit to the Faculty of Biology of YSU to develop their understanding of the features and characteristics of living organisms, as well as to expand their knowledge about the role and significance of living organisms in nature, and in human life.
THE ACADEMIC COUNCIL APPROVED THE PROJECT ON ESTABLISHING "YSU STEM SCHOOL", WHICH WILL BE SUBMITTED TO THE APPROVAL OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES: A SESSION OF THE ACADEMIC COUNCIL TOOK PLACE The session of the YSU Academic Council was held today with 14 agenda and ongoing questions, during which, among other decisions, academic ranks of associate professors were awarded, charters of various structural units were approved and the results of a number of processes were presented. In addition, the Academic Council approved the decision to submit the project for the approval of the Board of Trustees to create the "YSU STEM School" unit.
THE SERIES OF PROFESSIONAL DISCUSSIONS HELD FOR YSU STUDENTS WAS SUMMARIZED The students of the Chair of Political Science of the Faculty of International Relations of YSU listened to a lecture entitled "Features of the formation of civil society in the years of independence", which was followed by a comprehensive discussion on the ways of creation and development of civil society and non-governmental organizations in Armenia.
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THE SECOND SESSION OF THE CONFERENCE DEDICATED TO THE 125TH ANNIVERSARY OF YEGHISHE CHARENTS WAS HELD IN YSU The second session of the three-day conference entitled "Charents and his era" was held at YSU Faculty of Armenian Philology.
INFORMATIVE MEETINGS WITH EMPLOYER ORGANIZATIONS CONTINUE AT YSU At the initiative of the YSU Alumni and Career Center, an informative meeting was held entitled "Employment opportunity in the company "BREVIS".
GAME-COMPETITION AT YSU FACULTY OF LAW At the initiative of the Student Council of the YSU Faculty of Law, the game-competition of the Debate Championship entitled "The transition of RA from semi-presidential to parliamentary form of government is justified" was held in YSU courtroom.