Հոդված Peculiarities of a Colloidal Polysaccharide of Newly Isolated Iron Oxidizing Bacteria in Armenia Hamlet Badalyan Levon Markosyan Arevik Vardanyan Narine Vardanyan International Journal of Engineering Research and Science 2017 70-76
Հոդված Strain distribution and band structure of InAs/GaAs quantum ring superlattice Vram Mughnetsyan Albert Kirakosyan Micro and Nanostructures (Previously known as Superlattices and Microstructures) 2017 318-327
Հոդված Elastic strain distribution in one layer quantum ring superlattice V.N. Mughnetsyan A.A. Kirakosyan Proceedings of the YSU A. Physical and Mathematical Sciences 2017 121-123
Հոդված Impedance and Wake of Two-Layer Metallic Flat Structure A.Grigoryan M.I. Ivanyan S.Zakaryan A.V.Tsakanian Armenian Journal of Physics 2017 36-41
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Հոդված Special Features of Isomeric Ratios in Nuclear Reactions Induced by Various Projectile Particles G. H. Hovhannisyan A.S. Danagulyan T. M. Bakhshiyan G. V. Martirosyan Physics of Atomic Nuclei 2016 326–334 http://link.springer.com/journal/11450
Հոդված FEATURES OF ISOMERIC REATIOS IN NUCLEAR REACTIONS WITH DIFFERENT PROJECTILES A.S.Danagulyan G.H.Hovhannisyan T.M.Bakhshiyan G.V.Martirosyan Physics of Atomic Nuclei 2016 326-334 http://link.springer.com/journal/11450
Հոդված INFLUENCE OF SODIUM DODECYL SULFATE ON STABILITY OF BILAYER LIPID MEMBRANES L. A. TONOYAN A. L. TOROSYAN V. B. ARAKELYAN Proceedings of the YSU A. Physical and Mathematical Sciences 2016 58–63 http://www.ysu.am/science/en/journals
Հոդված Spherical Calogero model with oscillator/Coulomb potential: Classical case Francisco Correa Tigran Hakobyan Olaf Lechtenfeld Armen Nersessian Physical Review D 2016 125008,9 http://journals.aps.org/prd/
Հոդված Spherical Calogero model with oscillator/Coulomb potential: Quantum case Francisco Correa Tigran Hakobyan Olaf Lechtenfeld Armen Nersessian Physical Review D 2016 125009 http://journals.aps.org/prd/
Հոդված Integrability and separation of variables in Calogero-Coulomb-Stark and two-center Calogero-Coulomb systems Tigran Hakobyan Armen Nersessian Physical Review D 2016 045025,14 http://journals.aps.org/prd/
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Հոդված Удаление поверхностно-активных веществ из вод методом адсорбции с применением модифицированных цеолитов Арутюнян Л.Р. Саргсян А.О. Саргсян О.А. Бадалян Г.Г. Арутюнян Р.С. Экологическая химия 2016 37-44 http://elibrary.ru/title_about.asp?id=8273
Հոդված Фазовые превращения природных цеолитов при кислотной и щелочной обработках Саргсян А.О. Саргсян О.А. Арутюнян Л.Р. Бадалян Г.Г. Петросян И.А. Арутюнян Р.С. Кузнецова Т.Ф. Иванец А.И. Известия национальной академии наук Беларуси: серия химических наук 2016 37-44 http://elibrary.ru/title_about.asp?id=26446
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Հոդված Detection of CO2 laser radiation in a ferrite H․ Haroyan A. Makaryan K․ Movsisyan Farokh Nazari V․ Tadevosyan H Julfayan Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2016 012007 http://iopscience.iop.org/journal/1742-6596
Հոդված Silicon on glass grown from indium and tin solutions R. Bansen C. Ehlers T. Teubner K. Böttcher K. Gambaryan J. Schmidtbauer T. Boeck Journal of Photonics for Energy 2016 025501 (10 pages https://spie.org/publications/journals/journal-of-photonics-for-energy